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Accommodation & Services


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Karri Country Good Food is a community owned wholefoods and local produce store operated by a team of friendly local volunteers. We stock all kinds of dried and fresh trail foods to keep you powered up and ready to walk. We can pack to required quantities in ziplock bags for Bibbulmun Track walkers. Contact us […]

Tel: (08) 9776 6707

Tel: 0455 628 097

13 Wheatley Coast Road, Northcliffe, 6262

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The Family and Community Centre is a place where individuals can seek information, community groups can meet, workshops and events are facilitated, and where the local youth group meets. It provides support to individuals, families, children and youth, creates opportunities for social interaction, self development and learning and is a multipurpose venue.

Tel: 08 9776 7221

58 Zamia St, Northcliffe, 6262