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Ultra Series event takes off on the Bibbulmun Track

The Feral Pig Ultra, part of the Ultra Series WA will be held – Saturday 11th to Sunday 12th November 2017 on the Bibbulmun Track.

Ultra Series WA is a member of the Australian Ultra runners Association. The Feral Pig Ultra offers an international graded course to attract runners from outside of WA.

Detailed applications have been submitted to Departments of Water and Parks and Wildlife and approval received.

The event offers various courses including:

22km from Kalamunda to Perth Hills Centre (PHC)
50km from Brookton Highway to PHC
50 miles from Sullivan Rock to PHC
100 miles from North Bannister to Kalamunda to PHC

Ultra Series WA is keen to ensure that the race has minimum impact and contributes to the maintenance of the Bibbulmun Track. The Bibbulmun Track Foundation has met with the event organisers and are looking forward to working with them. Ultra Series WA will have a strict code of conduct for their runners (including; runners must go around hikers) and are committed to a detailed check of the courses after the event to ensure no damage, littering or course markers are evident. They have committed to contributing 50% of their entry fee to the Foundation towards our ongoing maintenance programs.

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation and Ultra Series WA are committed to working together to help minimise any negative impact to the Track and ensure the safety of both walkers and runners during the event.