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Guidebook Updates

Guidebook 1 (Edition 1) – updated June 2017

  • Page 13, Track note 4.3 should read: “Junction with old Bibbulmun Track and Kalamunda Circuit walk trail. Turn right, leaving the old Winjan walk trail. Reminder: no mountain bikes permitted.”
  • Page 29, Track note 5.6, the distance should be 6.0.
  • Page 49, in the first paragraph, remove the reference to the boot cleaning station.
  • Page 58, Track note 2.8 should read: “After passing through another stand of sheoaks, cross old vehicle track on an angle. Soon after, turn right onto rail formation.”
  • Page 58, Track note 3.0 should read: “Trail turns right again onto old rail formation by rocky creek.”
  • Page 63, Track note 7.7 “CA 78/2, keep right” should read “CA 78/2, continue straight ahead”.
  • Page 68, Track note 15.5 should read: “Veer left onto old vehicle track then cross creek.”

Please note that updates to edition 1 Guidebooks have ceased as at July 2018. Edition 2 available.

Guidebook 1 (Edition 2) – update January 2024

  • Page 12, page 14, page 17 Track note 8.9 and page 18, Track note 3.1 – replace all references to the “Calamunnda Camel Farm” with “Trails Hub Cafe”. The camel farm is no longer operating.
  • Page 16, Track note 5.2 should read: “Cross gravel road passing under powerlines onto old vehicle track through parrot bush. The view northeast from the powerlines is the Perth suburb of Middle Swan.”
  • Page 19, Track note 6.8 should read: “Pass through parrot bush. Cross gravel road passing under powerlines. The view northeast from the powerlines is the Perth suburb of Middle Swan.”
  • Page 24, Track note 3.8 should read: “At junction of walk trails veer left.”
  • Page 26, Track note 2.7 should read: “Turn left and descend toward carpark. Skirt carpark on left-hand side crossing Allen Rd and enter Perth Hills Discovery Centre. Trail exits left of the small amphitheatre on verandah between two buildings.”
  • Page 27, Track note 9.0 should read: “Walk trail joins from right.”
  • Page 30, Helena Campsite description. A new shelter has been built to replace the one destroyed by fire. It is a Rammed Earth Deep South which sleeps 20 – 24 comfortably.
  • Page 32, Track note 8.2 should read: “Pass indistinct vehicle track on the left where reference tree AT 72/1 is marked on the map. The tree, while still there, fell down in the January 2018 bushfire.”
  • Page 32, Track note 0.6 should read: “Pass indistinct vehicle track on the light where reference tree AT 72/1 is marked on the map. The tree, while still there, fell down in the January 2018 bushfire.”
  • Page 36, Track note 0.0 should read: “From Helena Campsite follow the trail to the east descending toward tent sites with excellent views over the valley.”
  • Page 36, Track note 0.2 has been replaced with “0.3 Veer right and cross watercourse and then ascend.”
  • Page 36, Track note 0.8 has been replaced with “0.5 Reach old vehicle track and turn right to descend to cross small watercourse 40m later.”
  • Page 38, Track note 8.7 should read: “Cross small watercourse and ascend. 40m later turn right onto walk trail.”
  • Page 38, Track note 9.4 has been replaced with “9.2 Descend to cross water course then veer right.”

The Track around Mt Dale has been realigned to take in the Mt Dale Circuit. This has lengthened this section to 14.1km.

Replace Track notes 8.9 to 11.6 on page 49 with the following:

9.5      Reach junction with Mt Dale circuit walk. Turn left. Ahead continues on the circuit walk to Dale Rd. Note blue boot-print marker for the circuit trail.
9.8      Cross old firebreak continuing straight ahead. If you turn left at the firebreak, then 270m later turn right onto walk trail, you will reach an observation point and sheltered bird hide a further 80m on.
10.0    Pass small rock outcrop on the left and soon ascend on steps.
10.1    Pass another rock outcrop on right.
10.3    Skirting north side of Mt Dale with outstanding views, descend steps.
10.5    At small rocky outcrop on right, pass Mt Dale radio tower uphill also on right.
10.6    Reach junction with summit track. Bibbulmun Track continues straight ahead. To reach summit view point and upper carpark, turn right ascending, then 50m later veer left at indistinct junction with radio tower visible ahead and continue for another 85m.  The summit viewpoint has outstanding views west to Perth city, coastal plain, Indian Ocean and south to Mt Randall, Mt Cuthbert and Mt Vincent. Retrace steps back to the Bibbulmun Track junction and turn right. Soon after descend on rocky steps.
10.8    Reach junction with old trail straight ahead. Turn right and ascend. 50m at indistinct junction with trail heading uphill, continue straight ahead.
11.2    Pass picnic bench with fire place on right, part of the Mt Dale picnic area. Continue ahead toward rocky outcrop with lower car park on right. 60m later veer right.11.4    Reach T-junction with toilet immediately on your left. Lower carpark is on the right. Turn left to pass toilet and then veer right behind it to continue on trail.
11.7    Turn left onto Omeo Rd. The Mt Dale circuit trail continues to the right passing through clearing with vehicle exclusion gate and then crosses Dale Rd.
11.8    Reach granite ledge with fabulous views.
12.3    Turn left on trail leading through beautiful stands of sheoak.
12.9    Cross gravel track.
13.5    Cross another gravel track.
13.7    Cross creek.
13.9    Reach spur trail to campsite on left.
14.1    Reach Mt Dale Campsite. An old well beside a small watercourse exists not far beyond the campsite – see if you can find it.

Replace Track notes 2.5 and 2.7 on page 49 with the following:

2.4      Turn right off Omeo Rd onto trail joining the Mt Dale circuit trail. Note blue boot-print marker for the circuit trail. The circuit trail also continues straight ahead passing through clearing with vehicle exclusion gate and then crosses Dale Rd.
2.7      Veer left and pass toilet. Then at junction with lower carpark and Mt Dale picnic area straight ahead, turn right onto trail.
2.9      Veer left at rocky outcrop and 60m later pass picnic bench with fire place on left leaving Mt Dale picnic area.
3.3      At indistinct junction with trail heading uphill, continue straight ahead. Then 50m later descend to reach T-junction with old trail on right. Turn left.
3.5      Ascend rocky steps and 40m later reach junction with summit track. Bibbulmun Track continues straight ahead. To reach summit view point and upper carpark, turn left ascending, then 50m later veer left at indistinct junction with radio tower visible ahead and continue for another 85m.  The summit viewpoint has outstanding views west to Perth city, coastal plain, Indian Ocean and south to Mt Randall, Mt Cuthbert and Mt Vincent. Retrace steps back to the Bibbulmun Track junction and turn left.
3.6      At small rocky outcrop on left, pass Mt Dale radio tower uphill also on left.
3.8      Ascend steps and continue skirting Mt Dale with outstanding views.
4.0      Pass rock outcrop on left.
4.1      Descend on wooden steps and shortly pass another rocky outcrop on right.
4.3      Cross old firebreak continuing straight ahead. If you turn right at the firebreak, then 270m later turn right onto walk trail, you will reach an observation point and sheltered bird hide a further 80m on.
4.6      Reach junction with Mt Dale circuit walk. Turning left continues on the circuit back to Dale Rd. Bibbulmun Track continues to the right. Soon pass through magnificent stand of kingia and a grove of WA Christmas trees.

  • Page 65, Track note 0.3 should read: “Turn left off trail onto firebreak and then right onto another firebreak. Soon after cross firebreak and then another.”
  • Page 67, Track note 10.1 should read: “Veer left continuing to ascend.”
  • Page 67, Track note 13.1 should read: “At Y-junction veer left, continue on walk trail”.
  • Page 67, Track note 16.1 should read: “Cross a firebreak and then another. Soon after veer left onto firebreak and the right onto trail.”
  • Page 70, Track note 0.4 distance has been corrected and replaced with 0.3
  • Page 70. Track note 0.5 has been deleted and replaced with “0.4 Pass spur trail junction leading 450m to the Alyi-wa Miya Group Campsite on the left.”
  • Page 75, Track note 12.0 distance has been corrected and replaced with 11.5.
  • Page 75, Track note 13.1 has been deleted and replaced with “12.4 Pass spur trail junction leading 450m to the Alyi-wa Miya Group Campsite on the right.”
  • Page 85, Gringer Creek Campsite description. A recent upgrade changes the design: “Design: Deep South – sleeps 12 to 15.”

Guidebook 2 (Edition 1) – updated December 2015

  • Page 13, insert after Track note 11.3: “12.2 Continue straight ahead at four-way intersection with firebreak.”
  • Page 13, insert after Track note 3.9: “4.4 Continue straight ahead at four-way intersection with firebreak.”

Please note that updates to edition 1 Guidebooks have ceased as at July 2018. Edition 2 available.

Guidebook 2 (Edition 2) – updated January 2024

  • Page 12, White Horse Hills Campsite description. A recent upgrade changes the design: “Design: Deep South – sleeps 12 to 15.”
  • Page 29, Track note 12.0 should read: “Turn right onto gravel road, Coach Rd (no vehicle access permitted) then immediately left onto trail.”
  • Page 30, Track note 3.5 should read: “Turn right onto gravel road, Coach Rd (no vehicle access permitted) then immediately left onto trail.”
  • Page 35, Track note 1.4 should be deleted as the junction is no longer visible.
  • Page 37, Track note 20.5, should read “Continue along gravel road with gazebo and then skate park on left and rail yard on right. Head toward cafe and Dwellingup Trails and Visitor Centre”.
  • Page 37, Track note 20.7, should read “Pass showers, toilets and public laundry and reach Dwellingup Trails and Visitor centre. Hotel is ahead beyond the centre on the corner of Del Park Rd leading to shops and other services.”
  • Page 38, Track note 0.0, should read “From the Trail Head near the Dwellingup Trails and Visitor Centre walk east (away from showers and public toilets) along gravel road toward skate park on right. “
  • Page 38, Track note 0.2, should read “Continue along gravel road with skate park and gazebo on your right and rail yards on left.”
  • Page 38, Track note 1.5, should read: “Pass stone rail siding. At Y-junction keep left and continue parallel to rail line.”
  • Page 39, Track note 11.3, should read: “Continue parallel to railway line passing through stands of Sydney blue gum then veer left descending toward railway line.”
  • Page 43, Swamp Oak Campsite description. A recent upgrade changes the design: “Design: Deep South – sleeps 12 to 15.”
  • Page 47, Track note 13.0, should read “Turn left onto vehicle track and descend. 100m later turn right off vehicle track.”
  • Page 48, Track note 0.0, should read “From Swamp Oak Campsite leave from near the water tank, ascending on walk trail.”
  • Page 48, Track note 0.3 should be replaced with “0.2 Turn right onto vehicle track and ascend. 100m later, turn right off vehicle track onto walk trail.”
  • Page 52, Track note 0.0 should read “From beyond the fire place at the front of Swamp Oak Campsite, turn left at the post passing to the right of the second exterior picnic table. 50m later cross vehicle track and continue onto walk trail veering slightly left.”
  • Page 55, Track note 19.2 should read “Cross old vehicle track and 50m later reach Swamp Oak Campsite. A narrow trail in front of the shelter and then right along an old road will take walkers passed a vehicle exclusion gate, right again and then further along to a lovely pool in the river.”
  • Page 62, Track note 15.2, should read: “Cross gully at bend in Track.”
  • Page 62, Track note 17.2, “on the left” should be “on the right”.
  • Page 62, Track note 17.7, should end with “and descend.”
  • Page 62, track note 18.1, should read “Cross Murray River Fireline, then cross a creek.”

Guidebook 3 (Edition 2) – updated January 2024

  • Page 26, Yourdamung Campsite description. A recent upgrade changes the design: “Design: Deep South – sleeps 12 to 15.”
  • Page 46, Yabberup Campsite description. A recent upgrade changes the design: “Design: Deep South – sleeps 12 to 15.”
  • Page 52, Track note 8.4 should read: “Old vehicle track enters from right.”

Wellington Spur Trail changes. Access to the south end of the Wellington Dam wall is available via the dam walkway connecting the Wellington Spur trail (south end of the wall) to the Kiosk without having to descend down the access road to the river. Track notes 17.5 to 18.3 on page 60 and Track notes 0.0 to 1.0 on page 61 no longer apply.

There has been a realignment near Glen Mervyn Dam.

Page 67 and 68, Track notes 4.9 through to 7.1 have been replaced with the following:
4.9      Cross gravel road (Best Rd – no vehicle access).
5.5      Cross old vehicle track with views over Glen Mervyn Dam. Follow markers and notes carefully through this section around the dam.
5.7      Cross old vehicle track passing toilet 100m to the left near water’s edge.
6.2      Reach gravel road. Veer right then soon after crossing gully veer left and then immediately right onto trail leaving road.
6.3      Cross vehicle track. 70m later, in a clearing, cross vehicle track and continue on walk trail.
6.4      Close to the dam, cross another vehicle Track.
6.7      Turn left off walk trail onto vehicle track then veering right descending to cross dam wall.
7.1      After leaving wall of Glen Mervyn Dam (vehicle access point), veer right ascending onto walk trail through bush.

Page 71, Track notes 13.4 to 15.3 have been replaced by the following:

13.4    After leaving dam wall, ascend onto vehicle track then soon turn right onto walk trail. Follow markers and notes carefully through this section around the dam. Cross a number of vehicle tracks in this section.
13.6    Close to the dam, cross vehicle Track.
13.8    In a clearing cross vehicle track. 70m later cross another vehicle track and continue on walk trail.
13.9    Reach gravel road and turn left leaving walk trail.  Veer right then soon after crossing gully veer left onto trail leaving road.
14.4    Cross old vehicle track passing toilet 100m to the right near water’s edge.
14.6    Cross old vehicle track with views over Glen Mervyn Dam.
15.3    Cross gravel road (Best Rd – no vehicle access).

Guidebook 4 (Edition 2) – updated December 2023

There has been a realignment near Glen Mervyn Dam.

  • Page 15 and 16, Track notes 4.9 through to 7.1 have been replaced with the following:
    4.9      Cross gravel road (Best Rd – no vehicle access).
    5.5      Cross old vehicle track with views over Glen Mervyn Dam. Follow markers and notes carefully through this section around the dam.
    5.7      Cross old vehicle track passing toilet 100m to the left near water’s edge.
    6.2      Reach gravel road. Veer right then soon after crossing gully veer left and then immediately right onto trail leaving road.
    6.3      Cross vehicle track. 70m later, in a clearing, cross vehicle track and continue on walk trail.
    6.4      Close to the dam, cross another vehicle Track.
    6.7      Turn left off walk trail onto vehicle track then veering right descending to cross dam wall.
    7.1      After leaving wall of Glen Mervyn Dam (vehicle access point), veer right ascending onto walk trail through bush.
  • Page 19, Track notes 13.4 to 15.3 have been replaced by the following:

    13.4    After leaving dam wall, ascend onto vehicle track then soon turn right onto walk trail. Follow markers and notes carefully through this section around the dam. Cross a number of vehicle tracks in this section.
    13.6    Close to the dam, cross vehicle Track.
    13.8    In a clearing cross vehicle track. 70m later cross another vehicle track and continue on walk trail.
    13.9    Reach gravel road and turn left leaving walk trail.  Veer right then soon after crossing gully veer left onto trail leaving road.
    14.4    Cross old vehicle track passing toilet 100m to the right near water’s edge.
    14.6    Cross old vehicle track with views over Glen Mervyn Dam.
    15.3    Cross gravel road (Best Rd – no vehicle access).

  • Page 28, Track note 6.7 should read: “Cross gravel vehicle track. Immediately pass through sizeable railway cutting. Ascend gradually with broad creek system on right. Note more old cuttings and embankments.”
  • Page 36, Track note 1.3 should read: “At private property fenceline veer right following boundary but very soon after, leave private property fenceline to the right, following walk path, not boundary fence.”
  • Page 53, Gregory Brook Campsite description. A recent upgrade changes the design: “Design: Deep South – sleeps 12 to 15.”

There has been a minor realignment in and out of Blackwood Campsite.

  • Page 44, Track note 16.7 is replaced by “16.6 On ascent in the pine plantation veer right and skirt hill passing a granite slab. Enjoy the spectacular views of the Blackwood Valley.”
  • Page 44, Track note 17.1 should read “Emerge from the pine plantation with Blackwood Campsite directly ahead. Blackwood Campsite is a no fire site – walkers must only use fuel stoves for cooking and light no other fires.”
  • Page 45, Track note 0.0 should read “Looking out from the front of the Blackwood Campsite shelter, follow the trail to the right (north toward the toilet) and enter the pine plantation skirting the hill.
  • Page 45, Track note 0.4 should be replaced by “0.5 Veer downhill to the left entering the pine plantation.”
  • Page 55, Track note 0.0 should read “Looking out from the front of the Blackwood Campsite shelter follow the trail to the left (south away from the toilet) ascending to the hilltop above the campsite.
  • Page 55, insert new Track note “0.2 Turn right onto old vehicle track and continue south through marri forest over crest and begin to descend along spur of hill.”
  • Page 61, insert new Track note “17.9 At crest of hill turn left and descend around the hill.”
  • Page 61, Track note 18.1 should read “Reach Blackwood Campsite. Blackwood Campsite is a no fire site – walkers must only use fuel stoves for cooking and light no other fires.”

Guidebook 5 (Edition 1) – updated January 2015

  • Page 13, Track note 6.3 should read “With vehicle track on the left, continue straight ahead, keeping Manjimup Brook on your left.”
  • Page 15, Track note 9.9 should read “At fork veer right onto walk trail, keeping Manjimup Brook on your right.”
  • Page 18, Track note 3.6 the word “right” should be replaced by the word “left”.
  • Page 19, Track note 20.0 should read “Pass through railway cutting then soon after cross another creek.”
  • Page 21, Track note 4.2 should read “Cross another creek then soon after pass through railway cutting.”
  • Page 21, Track note 9.4 the second sentence should read “To the left of the creek are the remains of the old railway bridge.”
  • Page 22, Track note 23.1 should read “Cross twin bridges over the Donnelly River and continue ahead after gravel road joins from right.”
  • Page 26, Track note 14.6 the road is no longer marked with the road sign “To Sunshine Rd”.
  • Page 27, Track note 6.5 the road is no longer marked with the road sign “To Sunshine Rd”.
  • Page 31, Track note 3.4 Strickland Rd should be replaced by Link Rd.
  • Page 31, Track note 9.5 should read “Descend and turn right again, descending toward gully.”
  • Page 32, Track note 12.0 should read “Ascend steeply” only.
  • Page 32, insert new Track note 12.1 to read “Pass through small stand of karri-oak while walking parallel to creek.”
  • Page 33, Track note 10.0 should read “Pass through small stand of karri-oak while walking parallel to creek.” only.
  • Page 33, insert new Track note 10.1 to read “Turn right and descend. On the ridge to the right is some of the oldest known karri regrowth in the southwest, devastated by fire in 1852.”
  • Page 34, Track note 12.5 should read “Turn left and ascend.”
  • Page 34, Track note 16.2 Strickland Rd should be replaced by Link Rd.
  • Page 38, Track note 21.1 remove the reference to the Karri-oak recreation site as it is closed.
  • Page 40, Track note 4.0 remove the reference to the Karri-oak recreation site as it is closed.
  • Page 41, Track note 14.1 should read “Reach corner of private property (Tasmanian blue gum plantation), and continue straight ahead. Do not veer left onto gravel road alongside regrowth, nor right along fenceline. 50m later veer left away from fence onto trail.”

Please note that updates to edition 1 Guidebooks have ceased as at July 2018. Edition 2 available.

Guidebook 5 (Edition 2) – updated January 2022

  • Page 21, Boarding House Campsite description. A recent upgrade changes the design: “Design: Deep South – sleeps 12 to 15.”
  • Page 45, Track note 16.6 should read: “Old vehicle track enters from left.”
  • Page 45, Track note 17.4 should read: “Another old vehicle track enters from left.”
  • Page 79, phone number for the Parks and Wildlife Service Recreation and Trails Unit is (08) 9219 8265.

Edition 2 updates have ceased as at January 2023. Edition 3 in production.

Guidebook 6 (Edition 2) – updated December 2023

  • page 26, Track note 13.7 should read: “Pass old vehicle track on left and, soon after, another on the right. Continue straight ahead.”
  • Page 30, Track note 2.7 should read: “Cross creek after veering left off sandy track. Continue on sandy track where it joins on right.”
  • Page 30, Track note 3.1 should read: “Cross indistinct vehicle track.”
  • Page 30, Track note 5.6 should read: “Cross creek on culvert. May require wading in winter and early spring.”
  • Page 31, Track note 8.0 should read: “Cross deeply incised creek on culvert. Ascend and veer left onto trail. Effects of the severe bushfire can be seen from here to the campsite.”
  • Page 31, Track note 8.9 the wooden gate has been replaced by a steel gate.
  • Page 33, Track note 8.2 the wooden gate has been replaced by a steel gate.
  • Page 33, Track note 9.0 should read: “Veer right onto old vehicle track and descend to cross steeply incised creek.”
  • Page 34, Track note 11.5 should read: “Cross creek on culvert. May require wading in winter and early spring.”
  • Page 34, Track note 13.9 should read: “Cross indistinct vehicle track.”
  • Page 37, the description of Section 41 is incorrect and describes another section of the Track east of Walpole. The description for Section 41 is as follows:

This long but relatively flat section is entirely within the D’Entrecasteaux and Shannon National Parks. Given that it is so flat, it is not surprising that water is the primary feature of the section. Sunrise over Lake Maringup will be a memorable experience for those up early enough to witness it and the morning sun creates some excellent photographic opportunities. Not long after leaving the lake walkers begin to encounter a series of long, swampy sections. A series of boardwalks assist in keeping the boots dry, but during winter and spring expect to wade in water from ankle to knee deep. If you do need to wade, keep to the Track. The surface is relatively firm underfoot. As always when wading, walkers should unclip their waist-belts before entering water more than knee deep, and should always wear some kind of closed footwear. Do not be tempted to wade with bare feet or open ended sandals/shoes. While the water may be cold, it is unlikely that it will be flowing and the challenge should be within the reach of almost everyone. If you are at all concerned about this prospect, you are advised to avoid walking this section between July and November. Contact the Parks and Wildlife Service in Pemberton for up to date information on water levels. After particularly heavy rains in late winter this section and Lake Maringup Campsite may be closed due to flooding of the Gardner River. If this occurs a diversion will be installed to take walkers along Chesapeake Rd and reconnect with the Track further west. Walkers are asked to read signage carefully and adhere to directions given on site and on the Foundation website. The swampy flats around Deeside Coast Rd and Dog Rd demonstrate interesting variations of vegetation as the soil type changes. Dog Pool Campsite is perched on the banks of the Shannon River beside an outstanding steel footbridge which offers great views up and down river. The original 36m long wooden footbridge was destroyed in the bushfires which impacted Northcliffe in early 2015 (see Section 39 for more information on the fire). The shelter was also destroyed and has been replaced by a new rammed earth design. The river ranges from a trickle in summer to a raging torrent in the peak of winter. Southbound walkers should note that Dog Pool is the last campsite where campfires are permitted and conversely for northbound walkers it will be their first.

  • Page 41, Track note 17.7 should be deleted as the vehicle track is no longer visible.
  • Page 41, Track note 8.0 should be deleted as the vehicle track is no longer visible.
  • Page 46, Track note 8.4 should read “Cross creek amongst peppermints and karri. The old wooden bridge is to the side.”
  • Page 46, Track note 9.2 should read “Cross a creek and continue to descend to cross larger creek on culvert.”
  • Page 48, Track note 10.1 should read “Ascend to cross second creek after crossing larger creek on culvert.”
  • Page 48, Track note 10.9 should read “Cross creek amongst peppermints and karri. The old wooden bridge is to the side.”

Guidebook 7 (Edition 1) – update October 2014

  • Page 53, Track note 5.5 and page 58, Track note 17.4 are no longer relevant due to a very minor realignment away from the eroded dune. The Track goes through lower vegetation until it reaches the original alignment.

Please note that updates to edition 1 Guidebooks have ceased as at July 2018. Edition 2 available.

Guidebook 7 (Edition 2) – update January 2021

  • Page 50, insert new Track note after 9.2 which reads: 9.3, Veer right off very old vehicle Track onto constructed trail.
  • Page 50, Track note 9.4, should read: 9.8, Reach major gravel road (Ficifolia Rd – vehicle access point). Veer right to cross creek on road and then veer left onto walk trail. In summer there are several outstanding displays of the red flowering gums along this section.
  • Page 50, Track note 10.0 should be deleted and 200m should be subtracted off all subsequent Track notes making the day’s distance 17.2km (not 17.4km).
  • Page 54, Track note 7.0 should read: 7.0, Cross small ridge with expansive views southeast. In this area in late winter and early spring a number of king in his carriage orchids may be seen on the Track – watch carefully for them. The stems are typically 10cm-15cm tall but they have the most intricate tiny flower which looks like a king in a carriage being towed by a horse. In summer there are several outstanding displays of the red flowering gums along this section.
  • Page 54, Track note 7.4 should read: 7.4, Turn right onto major gravel road (Ficifolia Rd – vehicle access point). Immediately cross creek on road and then veer left onto constructed trail.
  • Page 54, insert new Track note after 7.4 which reads: 7.9, Veer left off constructed trail onto very old vehicle track and ascend gradually.
  • Page 54, Track note 8.0 should read: 8.0, Turn right off very old vehicle track. Then 200m should be subtracted off all subsequent Track notes making the day’s distance 17.2km (not 17.4km).
  • Page 70, Track note 10.5, should read 10.5 Remain on 4WD track veering to the right circling the steep sand ridge ahead.
  • Page 70, Track note 10.7 should read 10.7 Veer right at bend in 4WD track. Remain on vehicle track and soon start to ascend again.
  • Page 75, Track note 12.3 should read 12.3 Continue along 4WD track veering left, circling the steep sandy ridge.
  • Page 75, Track note 12.4 should read 12.4 Continue on 4WD track after rehabilitated trail joins on right.
  • Page 89, phone number for the Parks and Wildlife Service Recreation and Trails Unit is (08) 9219 8265.

Edition 2 updates have ceased as at January 2023. Edition 3 in production.

Guidebook 8 (Edition 1) – updated April 2015

  • Page 25, Track note 2.7 the word “right” should be replaced by the word “left” to read ” Turn left at the corner of fenceline just before Eden Rd heading west away from bitumen road.”
  • Page 35, Track note 1.2, and page 39, Track note 15.3, the words very old should be replaced with indistinct.
  • Page 42, Track note 1.1, should read 0.9 Reach boot cleaning station. 1.2 Cross Hartman Rd – vehicle access point.  A new boot cleaning station has been installed in a different location causing the change.
  • Page 45, Track note 11.2 should read 11.2 Cross gravel road (Hartman Rd – vehicle access point). 11.5 Reach boot cleaning station. Please be sure to clean your footwear and walking sticks to prevent the spread of Dieback.

Please note that updates to edition 1 Guidebooks have ceased as at July 2018. Edition 2 available.

Guidebook 8 (Edition 2) – updated January 2023

  • Pages 27 and 28, please refer to updated advice on crossing the Wilson Inlet on the Inlet web page. Some advice in the Guidebook is no longer valid.
  • Page 35, Track note 5.8, remove the reference to the bench seat. The seat has been removed.
  • Page 37, Track note 11.1, remove the reference to the bench seat. The seat has been removed.
  • Page 50, Track note 0.9, remove reference to boot cleaning station. while the plastic grate across the Track remains, the station has been removed.
  • Page 52, Track note 8.4, remove the reference to the bench seat. The seat has been removed.
  • Page 52, Track note 9.5, remove the reference to the gates. The gates have been removed.
  • Page 52, Track note 9.7, remove the reference to the gates. The gates have been removed.
  • Page 53, Track note 2.6, remove the reference to the gates. The gates have been removed.
  • Page 53, Track note 2.8, remove the reference to the gates. The gates have been removed.
  • Page 53, Track note 3.9, remove the reference to the bench seat. The seat has been removed.
  • Page 54, Track note 11.5, remove reference to boot cleaning station. while the plastic grate across the Track remains, the station has been removed.
  • Page 60, Track note 10.1, remove the reference to the bench seat. The seat was destroyed in the May 2018 bushfire.
  • Page 60, Track note 2.0, remove the reference to the bench seat. The seat was destroyed in the May 2018 bushfire.
  • Page 66, Track note 0.8, remove the reference to the bench seat. The seat was destroyed in the May 2018 bushfire.
  • Page 66, Track note 6.0, a toilet and small information shelter has been installed. The gazebo has been removed.
  • Page 67, Track note 10.8, should read “Descend joining dual use path and continue along northern verge of bitumen road (Grey St).”
  • Page 69, Track note 6.4, a toilet and small information shelter has been installed. The gazebo has been removed.
  • Page 69, Track note 1.6, should read “Cross the road and veer right onto dual use path. Then ascend onto walk trail leading west into woodland.”
  • Page 70, Track note 11.6, remove the reference to the bench seat. The seat was destroyed in the May 2018 bushfire.
  • Page 73, phone number for the Parks and Wildlife Service Recreation and Trails Unit is (08) 9219 8265.

Edition 2 updates for Guidebook 8 have ceased as at November 2023. Edition 3 is available.

Guidebook 8 (Edition 3) – updated January 2024

  • Page 17, Track note 14.1, should read “Cross bitumen road (Ocean Beach Rd – vehicle access point) and walk straight ahead along Cotswold Dve, directly opposite. At this point, walkers can access the Wilson Inlet Sandbar Alternate Route by turning right and walking away from town toward Ocean Beach. See section on crossing the Wilson Inlet.”
  • Page 17, Track note 15.1 should read “Cross Little River on steel suspension bridge. Soon after veer right continuing on the Little River walk trail If inundation is an issue a previous route along Maraveen Place and Ridley Place can be used.”
  • Page 17, Track note 15.3 should be deleted.
  • Page 18, Track note 15.6 should be replaced by “Pass trail on the left near the boundary of a private property where a previous alignment joins and continue along the Little River walk trail. Later turn left and continue to follow shore line of inlet passing private property.”
  • Page 19, Track note 5.0 should be replaced by “Pass trail on the left near the boundary of a private property where a previous alignment joins and continue along the Little River walk trail. If inundation is an issue, a previous route along Ridley Place and Maraveen Place can be used by ascending on steps and turning left off trail onto Ridley Place.”
  • Page 19, Track note 5.3 should be deleted.
  • Page 20, Track note 6.5, should read “Reach Ocean Beach Rd (vehicle access point). Walkers coming from Nullaki Campsite via the Wilson Inlet Sandbar Alternate Route will join the trail at this point. See section on crossing the Wilson Inlet. Cross Ocean Beach Rd and enter forest. Commence ascent of Mt Hallowell on a boundary track following fenceline between houses on right and karri forest. The Bibbulmun Track is shared with the Sheila Hill Memorial Trail.”
  • Page 25, Crossing Wilson Inlet inset should reflect the update Wilson Inlet crossing options outlined in the Section By Section webpage.
  • Page 26, Track note 11.9, should read “Cross bitumen road continuing parallel to road. Then cross vehicle track.”
  • Page 27, Track note 2.3, should read “Cross vehicle track then cross bitumen road continuing parallel to road.”