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Guided Tours

Two best of the Bibbulmun 8 or 9-day tours

Both of these tours are carefully compiled to combine a variety of day walks with off-Track accommodation. You will experience the varied landscape of the Bibbulmun Track, taking in the spectacular ocean views and coastal heathlands in the far south, the magnificent karri and tingle forests and the rolling hills and jarrah forests of the northern section.

We have selected a range of full and half day walks. Our private bus will transport you to and from the Track each day and each evening we return to comfortable accommodation in the rural towns and villages along the Track to relax and enjoy a delicious dinner.  Get a sneak preview on this video.

On the walks you need carry only a small daypack containing your lunch, a camera, water bottle, etc. From the rocky escarpments that provide exhilarating views to the tranquillity of the tall forests, our flexible itinerary caters for all levels of experience.

Find out more about the Bibbulmun and Beyond Tour in May.

Find out more about the 8-Day Highlights Tour in September.

Testimonials from tour participants

“This tour exceeded my expectations. The guides were wonderful and helped to make it a most memorable experience!”

“I’m thrilled to have done such a  tour. I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

“It was a terrific experience and the organisation of the tour was top class!”

“There were so many highlights! The orchids near Balingup, the view from Mt Hallowell, the Gloucester Tree, the wind farm…. it goes on!”

No one knows the Bibbulmun Track like…

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation!