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Day walks

Walkers reach a viewing platform above the Mundaring Weir on their way to the pub.
Walkers reach a viewing platform above the Mundaring Weir on their way to the pub.

“It was obvious he (the guide) knew his ‘stuff’ without having a ‘know it all’ attitude. Good listening skills and eye contact with individuals. Also kept an eye on people who looked like they might be struggling without taking over.”

“What an excellent guide, full of great stories and advice. He has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to hiking and being out in the bush.”

“The bush around Balingup was beautiful and we saw a number of orchids.”

“I just love getting away from the city (and only a half hour from Perth, how lucky we are!) and breathing the bush air and taking the time to ‘smell the roses’ so to speak. Even though I drifted off, not totally admiring wildflowers 100%. I went along to learn something and to enjoy the bush. Get away from it all for a few hours. I hadn’t looked at wildflowers for years and years. So wonderful to be reminded of the simple bush flowers of my childhood. Took me back. Thank you.”

“Our guide and volunteer knew a lot about wildflowers. Their general and botanical names. I was particularly impressed that if they did not know a name they admitted. Allowed walkers to spot a wildflower and be excited if they as a guide had missed the flower. Had a sense of humour and allowed photographers like myself to lag behind and then catch up.”

“Exceeded expectation of a volunteer guide due to the guide’s specific personal historical knowledge of the Track as well as maintaining a lively spirit to the event for the benefit of all participants.”

“The guides were absolutely entertaining and full of knowledge at the same time. Group dynamics were taken into account and situations that arose were handled well. Charmaine was brilliant. She was so friendly and knowledgeable. She gave us heaps of wonderful advice, and was very patient and lovely.”

“It was good to hear some of the history of WA. The National Trust volunteer (Bill) was so passionate about his subject it was a real pleasure to listen to him and a real treat than he had such a personal interest in the area. Steve was the same upbeat and enthusiast guide that he was last time – always with a smile on his face – which makes a huge difference. A good mix of history and walking on the Bibb. Excellent – thank you.”

“Steve and Charmaine were brilliant. They made the evening relaxing and enjoyable. Steve’s sense of humour and wit made it a very light hearted night. They made the group feel safe walking out in the dark. Well done and thank you Steve and Charmaine.”

“Very knowledgeable guides, great group of people, loads of birds, fantastic wild flowers, lovely weather and fantastic food (Oh I brought that), what more can one ask for. Wine maybe?”

Overnight events

“Very well planned and smoothly run. Will definitely recommend this event to others – suits a range of abilities and takes walkers to very interesting locations that are worth visiting.”

“Don’t think you could get more experienced guides – we were very lucky.”

“The packing list and planning night are very helpful in getting prepared and being confident I have everything I need.”

“Excellent, fantastic walk with just enough challenge – beautiful scenery, well organised and excellent guides that are both knowledgeable and great company.”

“I particularly enjoyed their tales around the campfire at night. It was so funny hearing of the things that they have experienced in their walking history.”

“Very good insight to a ‘slice’ of Bibbulmun Track hut to hut without complication. Added bonus to the event was the extensive hands on experience of the guide to the Bibbulmun Track providing general advice on requirements for walking the Track for longer periods eg overnight and end-to-end.”

“I enjoyed the casualness, and information that Steve provided. It was well organised and the walk and paddle were an excellent experience.”

“Very well organised, very friendly and knowledgeable guides, good balance of formal activities but a bit of free time as well – it was nice to have Saturday night ‘at leisure’, there is a risk of over organising these type of events. Very interesting trip to the POW camp.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the walk and the group dynamics was really good. Ce and Chris are very easy to get on with and they were excellent guides.”

“Thank you for a lovely weekend. Steve makes an excellent guide and host. He is so warm and friendly, funny, cheeky, bubbly and a good instructor which made for a better experience. I look forward to picking up new skills in future events.”

Ladies only events

Enjoying time out in the bush.
Enjoying time out in the bush.

“Combination of: great planning night (Wendy); fantastic guide (Charmaine); lovely other ladies on the event; fantastic weather; awesome bush experience (shelter/tent/campfire/lots of info and anecdotes); lovely manageable walk for 1st time experience in overnight backpacking.”

“Well organised, low impact, great first timer trail, lots of fun.”

“Exceedingly well organised, interesting, suited my level of expertise, fitness and capability, but I still felt I was a little challenged, which was important too.”

“A lovely bunch of women, led by that great team of Charmaine and Wendy, both of whom have a passion for the Track and a great friendship which lifts the event and provides for great fun for the walkers. Thank you ladies!”

“Elsie and Isabel had extensive experience to share with us.”

Workshops and seminars

Food In A Fuel Stove

A pinch of this and a smattering of that...
A pinch of this and a smattering of that…

“I have so many more ideas for cooking great nutritional and interesting foods whilst out on the Track or camping in general. Steve’s knowledge is enviable!”

“The total learning experience, with like-minded participants, the well organised and executed logistics, a cheerful and very knowledgeable presenter, the accompanying hand out literature / recipes, and overall the very tasty meals and desserts that were done on the night. Great!!”

“Steve’s delivery & enthusiasm was excellent as usual. The course content, equipment & supplies were superb. It was not only informative but fun.”

Get Lost With Steve

“Steve is one of the best lecturers I have ever encountered, explained in a very easy uncomplicated way so that we all understood.”

“Great stuff Steve, You broke it all down into manageable chunks, and taught me something that I’ve been (unsuccessfully) trying to teach myself for years….”

“Covered all that I needed to know. The morning tutorial was explained in very basic easy to understand language so that when we went out into the yard and then the field it was very straight forward. Steve is a very relaxed tutor who makes it very easy to ask questions and he is willing to help everyone.”

“Perfect day, Ideal numbers and well organised, plus it was a good fun day!”

End-to-End Workshop

“A pleasure to have as a presenter.”

“Topics were presented in a professional manner yet in a fun way. Questions were answered and even though many hands were raised patience was always there…”

Children’s events

“The planning for the event was considerable and the process was made easier through the information provided, which was extensive. At no stage did I have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of myself or my son.”

“The guides (Colin and Rory), although different personalities, blended well. Their differing levels of experience helped me personally get the information I needed to continue hiking. The Track section that was chosen was challenging enough for the children and the walk itself was beautiful.”

“Our four grandsons had a wonderful day. The hike was just the right length and the cooking class with hands on participation was excellent. A very good and enjoyable day. They also enjoyed exploring the camp site after the cooking lesson. They will sleep well tonight. Thank you Steve, Elsie and Angela – a great day.”

The Bibbulmun Track is easy to find at permitted access points.
The Bibbulmun Track is easy to find at permitted access points.