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Social Sunday Walk – Perth Hills Discovery Centre to Helena Campsite

  • When: Sun 8th September, 2024 - 8:30 am to Sun 8th September, 2024 - 4:00 pm
  • Where: Near Mundaring Weir (check your web account after booking) - Near Mundaring Weir | Section/s: The Darling Range
  • Rating: Experienced | Category:

If you are fit and experienced then this one is a perfect walk for you.

We walk 23.5km return from the Perth Hills Discovery Centre to Helena Campsite via Ball Creek Campsite, led by Foundation volunteers.

We walk past flowing creeks, through mixed jarrah forest and wandoo forest and also take a break at the Helena campsite with amazing views from high up the valley.

This walk is for experienced and fit walkers. The pace on this walk is generally faster and the breaks somewhat shorter than intermediate style walks. If you have any doubts please consider booking on an intermediate walk.

The best part of booking an event with us is that all profits go back to the maintenance of the Bibbulmun Track – you should be proud!

Included perks:

  • Expert advice from the Bibb Track specialists.
  • Trained and experienced Bibb Track guides.
  • A fun and social atmosphere to enjoy the Bibb and get to know other walkers.

Please ensure you have read and understood the booking conditions before you proceed with this booking.

Check what the event rating means for this walk.

Once you have booked, watch for the automated email with instructions on how to download the event information, or see our website help page.

Your Event Guide/s:

Mike Wood thumbnail

Mike Wood

Hi folks, I first got involved with the Bibbulmun Track as part of the group that helped plan the new alignment in the mid-90s and I was honoured to be the Founding Chairman of the BTF in 1997. As the owner of the WA Mountain Designs stores, I became the first corporate sponsor of the Foundation and helped to find its first home in the MD building in Hay St.
I was lucky enough to be the second guide on the 10th Anniversary Walk in 2008. I have enjoyed many walks on various sections of the Bibb, both day walks and overnighters. I also spent many years trekking all over the world including in Nepal, Bhutan, Patagonia and many walking holidays in Europe and the UK. But I think the Bibbulmun is one of the best trails in the world and a wonderful asset for WA and really deserves the moniker of ‘world class’.
I have always enjoyed encouraging and helping others to get out on the Track, no matter what age or experience. There is something personal and unique about spending time in the West Australian bush. I was privileged to be made a Member of the Order of Australia in 2020 for my work on the Bibbulmun and I still volunteer as a Board member and a guide.