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Naughty Noodle Bar


At Naughty Noodle Bar, we pride ourselves on offering a seasonal menu featuring fresh local fruits and vegetables, prepared in the unique Northcliffe fusion style. Whether it’s a sunrise breakfast or an evening meal, please book in advance for dining outside our regular hours. We also provide accommodation for 1-2 guests for short stays e.g. rest day in Northcliffe. Only available upon direct inquiry.


  • Full Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Evening Meals
Naughty Noodle Bar thumbnail

Contact Details

Email: naughtynoodlebar@gmail.com
Mobile: 0439 661 371
Opening Hours: Friday to Tuesday (11am to 4pm). Bookings for other days and times are welcome.

Street Address

11 Wheatley Coast Rd
Northcliffe 6262

Postal Address

11 Wheatley Coast Rd
Northcliffe 6262