Krystal Shinners (Rabbit_Tracks (Krystal))
Completed: 22 September, 2021
- Start date: 24 August, 2021
- Age When Completed: 37
- Direction Walked: Southbound
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- Dehydrated / carried all my own food. I’m plant based (vegan) and gluten free so this was essential!
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsCompleted in 30 days - what an amazing challenge :) The trail around Murray river campsite was so overgrown, but otherwise it was an amazing and unforgettable experience ????
Your Best Equipment
Merino clothing - day after day on the trail and no smell (anti microbial ), also my insulated sleeping mat and minus 5° bag were life savers! Plus a small Osprey 36L pack helped me to stay light and be minimalist. oh and the garmin inreach mini was great when i had no service.
Your Worst Equipment
My feet hurt almost the whole way - the shoes i had were a bit stiff and narrow for my feet, next time Id make sure they fit better.
Advice for Others
Merino clothing (including undies), injinji toe socks, insulated mat and -5° rated sleeping bag, osprey pack, camelback water system, leggings! TEST YOUR GEAR on a multi day test run before starting :) Make sure you pack the food youll eat and do the kilometers you plan in that test run - youll learn a lot and save yourself costly mistakes!
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- All at once
- Who did you complete the Track with? Solo (primarily)
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
Your Experience
Between Pemberton and Albany for sure ?
Highlight of your trip
All the little bridges, nights alone in the shelters, campfires, reading, early mornings alone on a pre dawn trail with the day ahead, and the last 10 days before the end - I could feel the end was near and it was sad and wonderful at the same time!