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Gone, the horrible walk beside Albany Highway

A section of the new trail
A section of the new trail


For more than 25 years walkers heading south from Gringer Creek campsite, have been assailed by fast and noisy road trains, and other vehicles as they walked a 200 metre stretch along the gravel road verge beside Albany Highway.   

Well, no more! 

Last month a small team of BTF volunteers constructed and marked a short realignment through mixed eucalypt/paperbark. While this cuts out an unpleasant route, walkers will still need to look both ways when crossing Albany Highway. 

Once the weather cools realignment construction will continue a pace in 2024 with the projected completion and opening of a long realignment south of Dookanelly Campsite and other shorter realignments in Perth Hills and Frankland Districts. 


Another realignment completed by volunteers
Another realignment completed by volunteers



No more walking beside a busy highway
No more walking beside a busy highway