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Karri Country Good Food


Karri Country Good Food is a community owned wholefoods and local produce store operated by a team of friendly local volunteers. We stock all kinds of dried and fresh trail foods to keep you powered up and ready to walk.

We can pack to required quantities in ziplock bags for Bibbulmun Track walkers. Contact us if you want to pre-order and arrange for a delivery to your accommodation in Northcliffe.


  • Lunch
  • Hiker Food Supplies
  • Camping Fuel Supplies
  • Mail & Parcel Holding
Karri Country Good Food thumbnail

Contact Details

Telephone: (08) 9776 6707
Email: info@karricountrygoodfood.com.au
Mobile: 0455 628 097
Opening Hours: 7 days a week and in the afternoons on Tuesdays and Fridays.



Street Address

13 Wheatley Coast Road
Northcliffe 6262

Postal Address

PO Box 151
Northcliffe 6262