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Nyingarn Bidi Loop Trail

Walking through misty forest on the Bibbulmun Track near Dwellingup.

Walking through misty forest on the Bibbulmun Track near Dwellingup.

The Nyingarn Bidi trails links to the Bibbulmun Track to provide a three-day, two-night loop walk that starts and finishes in Dwellingup. Nyingarn is the Noongar word for echidna and Bidi means path or trail.

The walk is a collage of colours where the browns and blacks and soft greens of the jarrah and yarri forest shift for a short while to the deep greens of planted pines and the dappled whites and greys of eastern blue gums. The gentle hues of sunset and sunrise and peaceful surrounds while camping out under the stars make this an ideal getaway for a few days.

Walking the loop

Commencing in Dwellingup, walkers can undertake this Class 4 loop in either direction covering a total of 49.5km. This walk connects the Bibbulmun Track Chadoora Campsite with the Swamp Oak Campsite, providing a three-day, two-night loop walk.

Each campsite has a three-sided timber shelter, a sit-down pedestal pit toilet (BYO toilet paper), rainwater tank, picnic tables and tent sites. The tank water is not guaranteed and must be treated by boiling, filtration or chemical treatment. 

The Nyingarn Bidi uses the triangular Bibbulmun Track Waugal symbol but in a rich tangerine colour. A trail brochure and map is included with Bibbulmun Track Map 2 – Dwellingup.

Check the Track conditions in the Section By Section Guide for Dwellingup to Collie.

Leaders of groups of eight or more are reminded to complete a Group Notification and lodge it no less than one month prior to the start of the expedition.


Taking a rest or spending the night at Swamp Oak Campsite.

Taking a rest or spending the night at Swamp Oak Campsite.

Walk sections

Day 1: Dwellingup to Swamp Oak Campsite

Distance 12.9km Allow 5 hours

The shortest but hilliest of the walking days, this is a great way to start or end your walking adventure as you pass through some radiata pine (Pinus radiata). 

Day 2: Swamp Oak to Chadoora Campsite

Distance 16.9km Allow 6 hours

As you travel between the two Bibbulmun campsites the trail crosses Pinjarra-Williams Road, passes through a smooth-barked Sydney blue gum plantation (Eucalyptus saligna) and crosses over a remnant railway line. A gently undulating walk. 

Day 3: Chadoora Campsite to Dwellingup

Distance 19.7km Allow 7 hours

The longest and flattest part of the trail, leaving or returning to Dwellingup. In areas you will follow the railway and walk past two sidings—Etmilyn and Holyoake—with the Hotham Valley Tourist Railway operating the line from Dwellingup to Etmilyn.


Resources for all expeditions

Leave No Trace principles and video

Expedition Planning page


Useful links and contacts

Walk the Nyingarn Bidi brochure

Dwellingup Trails and Visitor Centre

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Perth Hills Dwellingup Office