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Guidebook 1 – Darling Range


Covers Kalamunda (Northern Terminus to North Bannister).

Second edition (2018). Covers Kalamunda (Northern Terminus) to North Bannister complementing Map 1 - Darling Range.

The completely revised Guidebooks have been produced in eight sections to match the Bibbulmun Track Maps.

The second edition comes with updated Track notes and section descriptions as well as a larger font size than edition 1.

This Guidebook contains a wealth of information including:

  • Track Town information,
  • suggested day and overnight walks,
  • Track tips,
  • section by section descriptions,
  • vehicle access to each section,
  • reflections from the campsite registers, and of course,
  • new, improved and more detailed Track notes.

Please note that the Guidebooks do not contain maps, distance tables or terrain profiles as this information is already on the official Bibbulmun Track maps. The Guidebooks are designed to be used in conjunction with the maps.

The division into eight books means that you need only carry the book that relates to the section you are walking.

The Guidebooks are pocket sized.


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