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Waugal trail marker keychain


Stay inspired on your adventures with a Bibbulmun Track Waugal trail marker keychain.

This keychain captures the essence of the trail markers in a compact and portable design, perfect for keeping your memories close at hand. Just like the original trail markers, it features the iconic Waugal symbol that symbolizes the Bibbulmun Track markers based on the Dreamtime Serpent.

With dimensions slightly smaller than the actual trail markers, this keychain is a stylish accessory and a practical tool. Its long sides measure 75mm, while the bottom edge measures 50mm, ensuring a comfortable fit for your keys.

Carry a piece of the Bibbulmun Track with you wherever you go and let this keychain serve as a reminder of your incredible journey. Whether you're hiking, traveling, or simply going about your day, this keychain will keep your spirits high and your Bibbulmun Track memories alive.


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