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A walk to last a lifetime

Allan McKechnie, Bruce Seligmann and Peter West, WA

15 January 2020

In the Beginning…

In the beginning....
In the beginning….

It was a bold suggestion

that BP made one day

for he and me and Pete

to walk “the Track”, one way


“The Track” of which he spoke

the Bibbulmun by name

only 1000 ks or so

“sure, we were game”


We’d start down near Collie

where Pete he had a place

as good as any so we thought

it wasn’t to be a race


But the day we chose to set out

wasn’t too blooming flash

the rain it was pelting down

the thunder it did crash.


Not an auspicious start indeed

to our great outdoor adventure

but we were hardy for our part

so a little rain we could endure


Lo and behold the rain has gone

we were eager to be on the Track

so into the bush we ventured

a weak sun on our back


We arrive at Yabberup Campsite

before one could enquire,

and there were Mike and Buddha

huddled around a roaring fire


They had started in the rain

and were well and truly wet

looking about as miserable

as one could really get


Right from the outset

we did enjoy our food

and BP set the standard

as we knew he would


Curry soup and pasta

with Kit Kats to go

while Pete’s smooth Shiraz

rounded off the show


But to round it off, I must confess

and to add a bit of class

it would have been much better

to be drinking out of glass


Our first night out revealed some flaws

in BP’s sleeping stuff

but that will surely be rectified

for sleeping in the rough


After a hearty breakfast

of porridge for the road

we set out once again

shouldering our heavy load


The track down to “Mumby”

by way of Glen Melvyn dam

was through the jarrah forest

and the weather now was calm


We came across a barbed wire fence

no doubt to impede our progress

but the Mumby pub it was in sight

so a beer would relieve any stress


Our first foray it was over

with a modicum of success

whether we would continue

was anybody’s guess


Sand Patch Sojourn…


It had been a long time coming

Over fourteen years in fact

For the three likely lads

To reach the terminus of the track


Certainly no lack of commitment

Of that there was no doubt

That’s what the ks of travel

Was surely all about


So here may there be a record

I think certainly there may

To average it all out, we only walked

one fifth of a k per day!


But it does not dent commitment

No it does not indeed

The Gourmates kept right at it

Certain they would succeed


The views were stunning as we went

To sea or on the land

It made the walk much easier

For our little band


Met a couple going North

Doing end to end

All agreed just not for us

Our backs were starting to bend


Frenchman’s Bay Road soon in sight

After some misdirection

A call to base from the distillery

The end had some attraction


From here the walk was flat and smooth

Until we hit the hill

What an impediment to hit us with

When we felt we’d had our fill


At the top Bruce stopped to chat

To a chap who got it wrong

Thought we’d been walking straight for fourteen years

And still going strong


Here is the end, it is in sight

The banner held gloriously high

The Gourmates we had done it

Of 1000ks just shy


So ends a great adventure

The rounding of we three

Such that we’re not likely

Ever again to see.

Reaching the Southern Terminus
Reaching the Southern Terminus