We have recently updated our website.

If you spot something that is out of place or you experience problems please use our contact form to let us know.

Help us by Joining, Volunteering or Donate


Contact Form

Found a problem out on the Track?

Wanting to report a problem you have found out on the Track? To make sure your information gets to the right person quickly, please use the Report a Problem form found in the relevant Section By Section Guide. Click on the Track section below to find it fast:

Darling Range      Dwellingup                Collie
Balingup                 Donnelly River         Pemberton
Northcliffe             Walpole                       Denmark/Albany

Website help and web FAQs

Having difficulty logging in to your profile, wanting to manage your profile or to retrieve event booking information?  Click here for some handy hints.

Track related FAQs

Got a question about the Track? Check out our FAQs as they may answer your question immediately. Feel free to contacts us though if you are still not sure.

Foundation’s shop/office

Our office/shop is located at Units 3 & 4, 62 Ord St, West Perth. We are normally open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.
We are not open weekends or public holidays – we are out walking!

Contact us

Phone: (08) 9481 0551

Email: please use the contact form above stating the reason for your contact. We will reply to you from our most appropriate email address.

If you are calling from overseas, dial your international code, then 61 8 9481 0551. Please take into account the appropriate time difference. Western Australia is +8hrs GMT all year round (we do not have daylight saving time in the summer).

Post to us

Bibbulmun Track Foundation
Units 3 & 4, 62 Ord St, West Perth, WA 6005

DBCA contacts

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions’ Parks and Wildlife Service, Recreation and Trails Unit

Locked Bag 104
Bentley Delivery Centre
WA  6983
Phone: (08) 9219 8265
Email: recreationandtrails@dbca.wa.gov.au

If you are planning to walk overnight in a group, you may need to lodge a Group Notification form with the Foundation.

Parks and Wildlife Service district offices

Refer to the relevant Section by Section guide.