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Leave A Bequest

Making a will is an important thing to do – it gives you the opportunity to safeguard what is important to you and how you want your assets to be managed.  Including a gift to the Foundation is one way to continue your support and ensure that the Bibbulmun Track is maintained for generations to come.

You may find the words below helpful for inclusion in your will. However, it is important to see your legal advisor before you do so.

Blackwood campsite.

Blackwood campsite.

Sample text for your will

For your gift to the Bibbulmun Track Foundation we recommend the following wording for your legal adviser’s consideration:

the whole of my estate, or ______% of my estate, or the residue of my estate (or ___% of the residue of my estate), or the sum of $ _______, or my units/shares in ___________________ Trust/Ltd, or my real property situated at [insert street address] having the title reference _________________, to Bibbulmun Track Foundation ABN 17 097 317 481.

The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of Bibbulmun Track Foundation is an absolute discharge to my executor.