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Bibbulmun Track Foundation Partners with Act Belong Commit for Enhanced Mental Wellbeing

We’re excited to announce a new partnership between the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and Act Belong Commit, Western Australia’s longest-running mental health promotion campaign. This collaboration is a testament to our shared commitment to the power of nature and community in enhancing mental well-being. Act Belong Commit, spearheaded by Mentally Healthy WA which is based at Curtin University’s School of Population Health, focuses on fostering mental wellness through active and communal participation.

Steve Sertis, the Foundation’ Events Manager, captures the essence of this partnership: “Bushwalking offers more than just physical exercise; it provides a therapeutic journey through nature, allowing us to connect with nature and the mind to unwind.”

A key highlight of this partnership is integrating our exciting 2024 calendar of events into the Act Belong Commit activity finder. This addition will make it easier for everyone to discover and engage in our unique and mentally enriching events. We’re continuously expanding our offerings to align with Act Belong Commit’s principles, offering a diverse range of choices to encourage people to get involved.

We encourage you to take the ‘Mental Wellbeing Quiz‘ on the Act Belong Commit website, an important step towards enhancing your mental health. Keep an eye on their activity finder for our upcoming events and join us on this meaningful journey towards holistic wellbeing.