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Recap of Winners: Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge



Thank you to all those who participated in our 25th Anniversary Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge! 

It’s been rewarding and motivating to share this journey with all of you. Together, participants have logged 282,016,329 steps, a daily average of 3,317,840 steps.

106 teams completed the whole length of the virtual Bibbulmun Track from Kalamunda to Albany, 16 of these completed a double end-to-end, three incredible teams completed a triple end-to-end and two mind-blowing achievers completed a quadruple end-to-end. Well done to the teams Pee Mac’s Pack, and MeNiMo. What a bunch of legends; you have walked us all into the ground!

We have created an infographic summarising the feedback we’ve received. We invite you to download it to see the impact of the challenge and the collective journey we have embarked on.

Final Leaderboards

Here are the Top 10 of the challenge leaderboards.

Teams: Total Distance

  1. Pee Mac’s Pack
  2. MeNiMo
  3. Camino de Perth
  4. The Wandering Membreys
  5. 3Bears
  6. Killer B’s
  7. Chariots of Fire
  8. The Walkness Monsters
  9. PH dream team
  10. Bibiddi

Individuals: Total Distance

  1. Pee Mac
  2. me of MeNiMo
  3. Harold Membrey
  4. Mo of MeNi Mo
  5. Adrian
  6. Jessica Smith
  7. Allan
  8. Marri Bear
  9. Jimstar
  10. Stephen Walter

Teams: Average Distance

  1. Pee Mac’s Pack
  2. MeNiMo
  3. Boddington Trail Runner
  4. Bibb Buddies
  5. Solo Hiker’s Antisocial Hiking Club
  6. Kim
  7. HappyHappy
  8. Slow Hiker
  9. Step Dames
  10. Camino de Perth

We’re also thrilled to announce the winners of the following awards:

The Most Funds Raised Award went to Team ‘Pee Mac’s Pack’. This award honoured the team that went above and beyond in raising funds during the 25th Anniversary Virtual Hike. Each member enjoyed a $54 voucher from Small Things Wine and an exclusive Bibbulmun Track head sock.

The Golden Boots ‘Hare’ Award went to Team ‘Pee Mac’s Pack’. This award went to the first team to reach the Southern Terminus or the team that conquered the farthest stretch of the Track if no team reached Albany by the end of the challenge. Each member enjoyed a $300 voucher from Anaconda, a $27 voucher from Small Things Wine, and an exclusive Bibbulmun Track head sock.

The End-to-Enders ‘Hare’ Award went to Team ‘Brave Bravo Birds’ as the lucky winner. They were one of the fastest teams to virtually reach the Southern Terminus in Albany by 13th September and entered the prize draw. Each member enjoyed a $200 voucher from Anaconda, a $27 voucher from Small Things Wine, and an exclusive Bibbulmun Track head sock.

The End-to-Enders ‘Tortoise’ Award went to Team ‘Together We Perspire’ as the lucky winner. They were one of the teams to virtually reach the Southern Terminus in Albany by 13th September and entered the prize draw. Each member enjoyed a $175 voucher from Paddy Pallin, a $27 voucher from Small Things Wine, and an exclusive Bibbulmun Track head sock.

The Tough Cookie Award went to Pee Mac from Team ‘Pee Mac’s Pack’. This award recognized the individual who conquered the most kilometres by the challenge’s end. He won a $300 voucher from Anaconda, a $27 voucher from Small Things Wine, and an exclusive Bibbulmun Track head sock.

The Half Way There Award went to Team ‘Wandering Minstrels’ as the lucky winners. They entered the prize draw by reaching the halfway point (DRV) on 11 August. Each member of the team enjoyed a $54 voucher from Small Things Wine.

The On Track to Raise the Most Funds Award went to Team ‘Pee Mac’s Pack’ for raising the most funds by the halfway point (11th August). Each member of the team enjoyed a $27 voucher from Small Things Wine.

The Wordsmith Walkers Award went to Team ‘Whatever Floats your Mountain Goats’ for having the best/funniest team name, based on tallied points given by our office volunteers. Each member of the team enjoyed a $25 voucher from Paddy Pallin.

The Bird’s Eye View Black Cockatoo Award went to Team ‘Bibbulmun buddies’ as the lucky winner. All teams who kept up with the 25th Anniversary end-to-end walkers and reached Mt Dale by 17th July entered the prize draw for this award. Each member enjoyed a $50 voucher from Paddy Pallin.

The Keep Up the Good Pace Award went to Team ‘Tramping Trail Trio’ as the lucky winner. They kept up with the 25th Anniversary end-to-end walkers and reached the second milestone, Helena Campsite, by 15th July, entering the prize draw for this award. Each member enjoyed a $50 voucher from Sea to Summit.

The Rapid Rambler Award went to Team ‘The Gazelles’ for being the quickest team to reach the first milestone, Hewett’s Hill Campsite. Each member enjoyed a $25 voucher from Anaconda.

The Picture-perfect Award went to Claire Cardew from Wellard Village People and Terri Walker from Brave Bravo Birds! These selfie superstars showed us how to strike a pose and capture those epic moments during their first walk/run. They enjoyed $25 vouchers from Sea to Summit as their well-deserved treat. Way to go, folks! Your selfie game was on point!

The Lucky Early Bird Award went to Felicity Williamson from ‘Tramping Trail Trio’ and Paul Mincham from ‘Following Dot’ as the lucky winners. Both joined the virtual hike challenge before the send-off and entered the Prize draw. Both enjoyed a $100 voucher from Anaconda.

The Survey Participant prize draw award went to Chris King from team Cockatoo Kings as the lucky winner. He entered the prize draw among those who left feedback for our Bibbulmun track Virtual hike challenge. He won a $50 voucher from Paddy Pallin and an exclusive Bibbulmun Track 25th Anniversary Mug.

The Fundraisers prize draw award went to Heather Waugh, Nigel Pilgrim, Carolyn Layton, Kevin Tangey, and Jenny Phillip. Each of them entered the prize draw among those who donated $100.00 and above as part of our 25th Anniversary Fundraising Campaign. Each of the winners received a Nemo Chair sponsored by Paddy Pallin.

Our Thanks to the Sponsors

We want to express our appreciation to our generous sponsors, including Anaconda, Paddy Pallin, Sea to Summit, and Small Things Wine for their support of the Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge. Thanks to their contributions, our challenge was filled with positive energy and motivation, adding to the enjoyment for all participants.

Have you Caught the Adventure Bug? Get out on the Track in ‘Real Life’

The Bibbulmun Track caters to everyone and every experience from a gentle stroll to an eight-week adventure.

You can make it more of a wilderness experience by camping out, you can join a guided group, or you can explore it in comfort using the varied accommodation in the towns along the way.

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation offers a variety of events to suit all ages and fitness levels. From guided walks to learning how to cook amazing food on a fuel stove, you’re sure to find something that interests you!  Our events calendar is online here. If you wish to receive monthly updates please contact us.

Expand the Adventure to Your Business

If you’d like us to set up the Challenge exclusively for your organisation please contact us at friends@bibbulmuntrack.org.au for more information.

Thank you again for being a part of the Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge.  

– BTF Family