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Bibbulmun Track 25th Anniversary End-to-end Walk Updates

Our 25th Anniversary end-to-end walkers are making great progress on the Bibbulmun Track!  Let’s dive into their awe-inspiring journey so far! 

13 September 2023

The final leg of our 25th Anniversary end-to-end walkers’ epic journey has been nothing short of breath-taking!  

Leaving Denmark behind, they embarked on a coastal adventure filled with spectacular scenery and unparalleled coastal walking. They marveled at the rugged cliffs of West Cape Howe, resisting the urge for rock climbing and abseiling – perhaps a future challenge! The anticipation of reaching the finish line was palpable as they caught sight of The Grasmere and Albany Wind Farms. 

The views along the coast were nothing short of awesome, with glimpses down to the crashing surf, a dizzying 100 meters below! But the adventure didn’t stop there. The walkers enjoyed leisurely strolls along the boardwalk beneath the majestic turbines, offering not only easy walking but also stunning views of Albany and the picturesque Princess Royal Harbour.  

And then, the bittersweet moment arrived – the last day of their incredible journey. Leaving behind the resilient coastal vegetation, our walkers skipped toward the town of Albany, embracing its urban features and the realization that they had completed a remarkable adventure.  

What an extraordinary 25th Anniversary celebration it has been! 

7 September 2023

Our end-to-end walkers arrived in Denmark, the final town before their arrival in Albany..

Their first stop was the picturesque Frankland River Campsite, nestled right on the riverbank with a covered deck area – a beloved spot for many walkers! But the real adventure began as they tackled challenging hills, marveled at the majestic tingle trees, and ventured into the incredible Valley of the Giants. How’s your head for heights? The bird’s eye view of the forest is absolutely awe-inspiring! 

This incredible stretch of the Bibbulmun Track is adorned with numerous creeks and watercourses, offering tranquil rest spots amidst nature’s beauty. After a rejuvenating break at Giants Campsite, the walkers set their sights on Nut Lookout, boasting expansive views to the east, overlooking farmland and the breathtaking coastline. 

A long boardwalk and steps led them to the golden sands of Conspicuous Beach, where they embraced the coastal beauty. The journey continued along the coast, leading our adventurers to the summit of Castle Rock, where they were rewarded with panoramic ocean and inland vistas that took their breath away.  

Next on their adventure was Peaceful Bay and the Irwin Inlet Crossing – a novel experience for many! Armed with canoes, paddles, and lifejackets, they navigated the water crossing like true champions.  

From there, they embarked on a roller-coaster trail through the ever-shifting sand dunes, massive granite boulders, and towering karri trees. The diversity of landscapes on the Bibbulmun Track is truly astounding! 

29 August 2023

Our 25th Anniversary end-to-end walkers have been making great progress. 

After conquering Mt Chance, they faced the challenges of sand-dune walking for the first time and were rewarded with breathtaking views over Broke Inlet to the west.  The ocean and Chatham Island soon came into view as they trekked through the rolling sand hills. They even stumbled upon Mandalay Beach, a place with a history dating back to 1911 when the Norwegian barque, The Mandalay, foundered here. If they squinted, they might have spotted the remnants of the wreck not far from the shoreline! 

Their adventure continued with an exploration of the ups and downs of the sand dunes, offering more stunning coastline views along the way. Finally, they reached Long Point Campsite, nestled between the dunes, marking another memorable stop on their journey. 

But that’s not all! Leaving behind the coastal vistas, our walkers ventured inland, crossing the suspension bridge over Deep River. Then came the steep ascent through the enchanting karri forest, leading them to Mt Clare Campsite. �� From here, it was a relatively gentle walk into Walpole, the next Track Town on their incredible adventure. 

22 August 2023

Fun Fact Alert! Did you know that the original alignment of the Bibbulmun Track back in the 70s went from Kalamunda to Northcliffe? It’s fascinating to think how this renowned trail has evolved over time. Today, our walkers still have over 350km left to conquer on their incredible journey! 

Northcliffe, once the finishing point of this epic trail, now serves as a gateway to the magnificent D’Entrecasteaux National Park and the charming fishing village of Windy Harbour. The road to Windy Harbour leads you past the majestic Mt Chudalup, a granite monolith that towers above the surrounding karri forests and coastal heathland. It’s a sight to behold, showcasing the diverse beauty of Western Australia’s wilderness. 

During their adventure, our walkers had the pleasure of spending the night at Schafer Campsite, named after Geoff Schafer. It was Geoff who originally conceived the idea for the construction of what is now the Bibbulmun Track back in 1974. The campsite offers a picturesque view of a large dam, with a designated area roped off for swimming. Who among our brave walkers dared to take a refreshing dip? 

As they forge ahead, we want to take a moment to acknowledge and show our respect to the Bibbulmun people of the Nyoongar nation, the traditional custodians of the land and waters at this significant milestone.

18 August 2023

These past days presented our walkers with some challenging terrain as they climbed in and out of the majestic Donnelly River Valley multiple times. The trail had its rugged moments, but it also offered interesting bridges to cross and numerous rest stops for well-deserved breaks. Every step was a testament to their determination and resilience. 

En route, they had the pleasure of passing by Beedelup Falls, where nature’s beauty cascades in all its glory. They also marveled at the giant karri trees that adorn the area, standing tall and proud.  

Their journey led them to the next Track Town, Pemberton, a picturesque timber town nestled in the embrace of the Gloucester National Park and the Pemberton Forest Park. Surrounded by the magnificent karri forests, Pemberton offers a cool climate and an array of attractions to explore.  

Some must-see features of Pemberton include the Gloucester and Bicentennial fire lookout trees, offering breathtaking panoramic views. The Heart Break Trail in the Warren National Park invites adventurers to experience its beauty. The Yeagarup Sand Dunes provide a unique landscape, and the Big Brook Dam and Arboretum offer tranquility amidst nature’s embrace. Pemberton truly has something for everyone to enjoy!  

As our walkers press forward, we want to take a moment to acknowledge and pay respect to the Bibbulmun people of the Nyoongar nation, the traditional custodians of the land and waters at this significant milestone. 

12 August 2023

Our 25th anniversary Walkers finally arrived at Donnelly River Village. Donnelly River Village offers a picturesque backdrop for our walkers to pause and reflect on their incredible journey so far. This section of the Track was twinned with the renowned Bruce Trail in 2016, Canada’s oldest trail stretching over 890km. It’s a beautiful connection between two remarkable trails, bridging continents and sharing the spirit of exploration. =

As our walkers ventured into the village, they stepped back in time to the 1950s. The village preserves its heritage with an original steam mill, 35 worker’s cottages, the Old Boarding House, a workers club, and the iconic general store. It’s a living testament to the rich history of the area, offering a glimpse into the past while embracing the present.  

Though the wintery weather may have dissuaded our walkers from taking a dip in the Donnelly River swimming hole this time, it remains a tempting option for future adventures. 

9 August 2023

Last night, they found themselves overlooking the breathtaking Blackwood River Valley, creating memories that will stay with them forever.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, our walkers were treated to a stunning sunset, casting a warm glow over the valley. And as the morning dawned, they awoke to a mesmerizing mist gently rolling through the landscape, adding an ethereal touch to the start of their day. Nature’s wonders truly embraced them in this picturesque setting.  

Since leaving Balingup, they ventured past the enchanting Golden Valley Tree Park and the scenic Greenbushes Loop Trail, immersing themselves in the serenity of the surroundings. Every step brings them closer to experiencing the true essence of this incredible trail.

We eagerly await the next update as our walkers approach the halfway point of the Bibbulmun Track, near the enchanting Donnelly River Village. It’s an important milestone on their journey, and we can’t wait to celebrate their accomplishment! 

We want to take a moment to express our respect to the Kaniyang people of the Nyoongar nation, the traditional custodians of the land and waters near Balingup, as well as the Wardandi people, the traditional custodians of the land and waters near Blackwood Campsite.  

7 August 2023

They’ve reached the enchanting town of Balingup, renowned for its breathtaking scenery that captivates all who visit.

Balingup is a place where nature’s beauty thrives in every season. As our walkers made their way toward this milestone, they witnessed a transformation in the forest. The vegetation gradually shifted, encompassing the distinct characteristics of the karri forest, which lies further south. The changing landscape presented them with new wonders to behold. 

Passing through the Greater Preston National Park, they discovered numerous serene spots ideal for quiet and reflective rest stops. Perhaps they even encountered the massive marri tree, standing tall for over 400 years, offering a glimpse into the enduring beauty of nature’s legacy.

We want to acknowledge and express our respect to the Kaniyang people of the Nyoongar nation, the traditional custodians of the land and waters near Balingup.  

2 August 2023

They’ve reached an important milestone as they arrived at Collie, the second Track Town along the trail.

Our walkers encountered the new Bilya Djena Bidi Swing Bridge during their adventure. This impressive structure replaced the beloved Long Gully Bridge, which tragically succumbed to a bushfire in 2015. The Long Gully Bridge held a special place as one of the largest and most significant wooden trestle bridges in the jarrah forest. Its loss was deeply felt. 

But out of adversity emerged the Bilya Djena Bidi Swing Bridge, a testament to local ingenuity and resilience. Designed and built by skilled locals, this remarkable bridge spans an impressive 82m and boasts two magnificent 12m towers. This innovative construction allows Bibbulmun Track walkers to safely cross the mighty Murray River, forging ahead on their unforgettable journey. 

Our walkers are embracing the spirit of the trail, immersing themselves in the beauty of nature while experiencing the incredible feats of human craftsmanship. They are creating memories that will last a lifetime. 

We want to acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional custodians of the land and waters near these significant locations along the track. We honor the Pinjarup and the Wiilman people of the Nyoongar nation. 

25 July 2023

Our 25th Anniversary end-to-end walkers have reached their first Track Town, Dwellingup!

After covering over 200km of this epic trail, they’re making impressive progress, with only 800km left to go! They’ve faced challenges, conquered winding trails, and immersed themselves in the beauty of the open jarrah woodland. But every adventurer needs a little rest and rejuvenation. Our walkers enjoyed a well-deserved rest day in town, indulging in the simple luxuries that make a big difference – a hot shower to wash away the trail dust and, perhaps, treating themselves to a delicious pub meal. Over the past few days, they’ve also had the unique experience of walking along a rail line used by the Hotham Valley Tourist Railway.

We want to take a moment to acknowledge the Pinjarup people of the Nyoongar nation as the traditional custodians of the land and waters at this milestone.
15 July 2023

On this leg of their trek, our walkers enjoyed passing by the renowned Mundaring Weir and Lake C.Y. O’Connor.

As the sun set, our weary walkers found solace at the Helena campsite. Nestled amidst nature, they settled into a rebuilt rammed-earth shelter that offered them a comfortable respite. But what truly captured their attention was the breathtaking view of the Helena River Valley. Imagine waking up to that beauty!

We want to acknowledge the Wajuk people of the Nyoongar nation, the traditional custodians of the land and waters that our walkers are traversing. Their deep connection to this land is an integral part of its rich heritage.

14 July 2023

Starting their adventure at Kalamunda National Park, our walkers immersed themselves in a picturesque landscape of majestic jarrah and marri forests. Nature’s palette delighted them with pockets of vibrant sheoak and banksia tree. Hewett’s Hill shelter served as their sanctuary for the night, offering an idyllic retreat amidst rocky outcrops and a gentle, fleeting watercourse. This campsite is named after Peter Hewett, a true legend and instrumental figure in the early days of the Bibbulmun Track.

As we embark on this adventure, we acknowledge the Wajuk people of the Nyoongar nation as the traditional custodians of the land and waters along this first section of the Track.