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Research into outcomes and benefits of long-distance walking

Have you ever undertaken a long-distance walk which led to a personally significant experience? Rob Saunders from Monash University in Victoria is looking for people who have written journals or reflections about special long-distance walking experiences. Confidentiality will be assured by de-identifying both the author and any other person mentioned in written material provided. In some cases Rob may also wish to interview participants briefly at a later date – again, any interviews would be confidential.

Participants should ideally be between the ages of 30 and 60 years, however this age range is notional so participants outside this age range will also be considered. The walks that influenced them need to have been of at least 3 days duration. Rob can be contacted by email at Robert.Saunders@buseco.monash.edu.au or by phone on 0417 357 345.