We have recently updated our website.

If you spot something that is out of place or you experience problems please use our contact form to let us know.

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Welcome to our new website!

It’s with great excitement that we introduce the new Bibbulmun Track website to you.
Aside from an updated look, the new website will make planning your next walk a lot easier.
Read on to discover new features and how to login…

New features include:

  • Google maps – see the Track and location of campsites, access points, service providers and much more!
  • Maps for all current realignments, diversions and alternative routes.
  • A distance calculator.
  • Section-by-section guide with all key planning information in one place.
  • In addition, you can now have your own Profile page!

Benefits include:

  • No need to re-enter all your details each time you book an event or buy merchandise.
  • See your history of events and merchandise purchases.
  • Members can now renew or update their details easily online.
  • Volunteers can submit time sheets and maintenance reports online.
  • End-to-enders can enter the details of their walk and upload a photo for the ‘Rogues’ gallery.

How to login…

If we already have your email address

– then your profile page has already been created. Simply:

  1. Click ‘Login’ at the top right corner of the website. (In the black bar)
  2. Click the Forgotten your password? Link.
  3. A page will come up requesting your email address. Enter your email address and click submit.
  4. Login to your email and open the email from the Bibbulmun Track Foundation. Click on the link as instructed. (If this link is not working then open a new web tab, then copy and paste the link into the browser bar)
  5. You will then receive a new email from the Bibbulmun Track Foundation providing you with a password.
  6. Use this password to Login to the Bibbulmun Track website. (Be very careful if you copy and paste the password that you don’t have an extra space at either end)
  7. Once logged in. Click on ‘My Account’ in the black bar at the top. You will see a tab called Change email/password where you can change the automated password to something that you will remember.

If we don’t have your email address

– If you havenʹt received an email from us lately, it means we either donʹt have it on record, or have an old one.
In this case email us with your name, address and membership number (if you are a member) and we will activate your profile and give you further instructions.

You can still phone, email or pop into the office!

If you’re not keen on using the website for bookings or submitting forms etc. – you are of course still welcome to phone us or pop into the office!

Big ‘thank you’ to Lotterywest for funding this project and to iPixel for the excellent design and development.