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Volunteer thank you day

The Foundation recognised some of its 300 volunteers at a morning tea held at the Zig Zag Centre in Kalamunda on Sunday 18th November 2012.

During the event, volunteers were rewarded with gifts sponsored by Mountain Designs for the number of hours donated to the Foundation during the year, based on more than 100, 300 and 500 hours.

Recognition for the number of hours donated are awarded every year, but this year for the first time, volunteers were also recognised for their length of service.

These Awards recognise the length of service, regardless of the number of hours. We are extremely fortunate that we have many volunteers who have been committed to the Foundation for many years.

said Office Manager and Volunteer Co-ordinator, Gwen Plunkett.

It was a huge task co-ordinating these rewards as over 130 volunteers were recognised for 5, 10 and 15 years of service. We were delighted that many of the 15 year recipients who have been with the Foundation from the beginning were at the event to accept their award. We would like to thank Zanthorrea Nursery in Maida Vale and Fairbrossen winery, Carmel for their support of the awards.

The Foundation is extremely fortunate to have the commitment and dedication of so many volunteers, whether they are out maintaining the Track, working at community events, guiding events or working in the office. Every single volunteer is valued and vital for us to be able to provide the services we do and to keep the Track in world-class condition.

Click on the pics below to enlarge.

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