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Volunteer Thank You Day

On Sunday 17th November, the Bibbulmun Track Foundation held a volunteer thank you day at the Zig Zag Cultural Centre in Kalamunda.

Around 70 volunteers enjoyed a delicious morning tea , where long-time Board member and Acting Director General of DPaW Jim Sharp presented the Mountain Designs rewards to 61 of our wonderful volunteers, while Foundation ED Linda Daniels presented the Long Service Awards.

As well as giving thanks and acknowledging commitment and enthusiasm, Thank You Days allow us to relax with volunteers. It is a time to share the successes and happy times of the past year, renew friendships and to get to know volunteers who have joined us during the year.

Volunteers are vital to the work of the Foundation and without them we would not be able to achieve all we do. A very sincere thank you to all of our 300 volunteers – your contribution, be it large or small, is very much appreciated.