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Pre-order your new Bibbulmun Track Guidebooks today.

The eagerly anticipated new Bibbulmun Track Guidebooks will be released in time for Easter.

The completely revised Guidebooks have been divided into eight sections to match the Bibbulmun Track Maps with a separate Bibbulmun Track Handbook available that contains general Track information, planning, safety, history and management information.

The division into eight books plus the handbook means that you need only carry the book that relates to the section you are walking.

To celebrate their arrival we are offering an exclusive pre-order special.

Pre-order your complete set of eight new Bibbulmun Track Guidebooks and get the Bibbulmun Track Handbook for free (valued at $11.95).

The new Guidebooks each contain a plethora of information for each map section including:

  • Track Town information,
  • suggested day and overnight walks,
  • Track tips,
  • section by section descriptions,
  • vehicle access to each section,
  • reflections from the campsite registers, and of course,
  • new, improved and more detailed Track notes.

In addition, if you are a Foundation member when you place your order, not only will you receive your member’s discount, but you will also receive a current copy of the Accommodation & Services Guide (valued at $14.50) and a full set of six exquisitely designed Bibbulmun Track postcards (valued at $5) for free (while stocks last).

Be among the first to own the new complete set. Order online now.