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The new Bibbulmun Team Challenge video is launched

The Bibbulmun Team Challenge is the most unique physical and mental team building challenge currently available in Western Australia. To celebrate the vibrant new look Bibbulmun Team Challenge has embraced for 2014, the BTF together with Grey Eyed Films has created a short promotional video that captures the essence of the Challenge. Featuring images and interviews from past participants this video will inspire and encourage CEO’s, EO’s, Directors and Managers across Perth to register members of their team (and even themselves!) for this incredible event.

The Challenge involves teams of four people competing against each other in a series of team-building activities across a 50km route of the Bibbulmun Track. The activities have an emphasis on outdoor skills, safety, environmental awareness, physical and mental challenges. Run over four days, participants are provided with comprehensive training and information as well as hire equipment.

It is ideal for corporations wanting to put leadership and problem solving skills to the ultimate test, build team camaraderie, and for individuals looking for an intense and fulfilling adventure experience in this spectacular landscape. Of course, it is also the ultimate test to prove which organisation has it all!

Check out the eagerly anticipated video here.

For further information, complete the enquiry form available on our dedicated Bibbulmun Team Challenge page.