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Quiz Night – Huge success!

Over two hundred members and their friends pitted their wits at the Foundation’s Christmas in July Quiz Night.
The event was a great success with lots of laughter, serious contemplation, fun and games and much wrinkling of brows!
The evening saw many winners, and Chris Lee was delighted with his $300 gift voucher from Mountain Designs, part of our May Member Madness promotion. All members who booked and paid for their quiz table before the 31st May automatically went into the draw.
Our next major fundraising project involves the restoration of the Long Gully Bridge near Dwellingup, and we are delighted to announce that the Quiz Night raised a grand total of $6,400. These funds will be used to assist in the restoration of this historic landmark, which carries Bibbulmun Track walkers across the Murray River.

We would like to thank the following organisations and individuals who donated prizes for our raffle and silent auction. Their support is deeply appreciated.
Banksia Gardens Motel, Albany
Collie Ridge Motel, Collie
Donnelly River Village, Donnelly River
Edith Thomas, BTF member & volunteer
Entertainment book
Forest Lodge Resort, Pemberton
Frankland Estate
Gayle Kealley, BTF member& volunteer
Moojelup Farm Winery/Simon Holthouse, BTF Board
Mountain Designs, Diamond BTF sponsor
Old Picture Theatre, Pemberton
Pemberton Discovery Tours
Perth Ambassador Hotel, Perth
Rob Kop, BTF member
Sea to Summit, Silver BTF sponsor
Sleepwell Motel, Perth
Stone Ridge Cottage, Balingup
Sylvia Szabo, BTF member
Warren River cottage, Pemberton
Wellington Forrest Cottages, Wellington Mill