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New shelters a sign of the times

BTF volunteers, Andy and Michelle Nelson, add the finishing touch to Brookton Campsite
BTF volunteers, Andy and Michelle Nelson, add the finishing touch to Brookton Campsite

It has been 18 months since bushfire ravaged the Bibbulmun Track, and we’re pleased to say that most of the diversions have been removed and four new campsites have been built.


The campsites at Brookton, Possum Springs, Gardner and Dog Pool now feature shelters built from aesthetically pleasing rammed earth walls and steel roofs. (NOTE: As at 15 September the roofs on Gardner and Dog Pool are not finished – so walkers will still need to sleep in a tent).

These materials are more fire resistant than the timber used previously and the shelters will hopefully survive with minimal damage if subjected to bushfires in the future.

It will be interesting to see how these new shelters are received by walkers. If you stay in a new shelter please let us know what you think.

Volunteer Guy Spouge checks out the new dunny
Volunteer Guy Spouge checks out the new dunny