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Helena Campsite rises from the ashes


Helena shelter rebuilt in 2019 after being destroyed by fire.
Helena shelter rebuilt in 2019 after being destroyed by fire.


18 months after its destruction in a bushfire, the Helena Campsite was officially re-opened on 28 June 2019.

Parks & Wildlife Services collaborated with the Foundation regarding the design and took on board all the feedback provided by members and volunteers in our vision survey and workshop. We are very happy with the result which is based on the Deep South design and retains the renowned views from the shelter.

The shelter was given its first test and christening by a group of BTF volunteers who stayed there overnight while finishing off the new tent sites, internal trails and signage.

The campsite features:

  • Sleeping platforms to cater for up to 24 walkers
  • 11 tent sites
  • Two water tanks
  • Plenty of hooks to hang your gear
  • Attachment points on the openings to hang a tarp if it is windy
  • Five picnic tables (four under cover)
  • Large toilet with plenty of room to get changed inside and an awning for shelter if you’re queuing in the rain!
  • Some of the best views to wake up to over the Helena valley

If you’re planning to head out to Helena Campsite please be mindful and keep off areas under rehabilitation. These areas have been covered with cuttings and small fallen logs. Please don’t burn them for the fire!



It is also advisable to check for any groups. Groups of 8 or more are asked to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) and these are listed on the Track conditions pages on our website.



Read the media release by the Hon Stephen Dawson MLC, Minister for Environment.