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Filling in some gaps at Ball Creek

Work at Ball Creek campsite on the weekend saw over 180 young native plants added to bare ground in front of the shelter and along the path to the toilet.

We were enthusiastically assisted on Sunday by a leader and members from the 1st Ballajura Girl Guides unit. Every year, a group from this unit undertakes a multi-day walk, and they were keen to give back to the Track. Using plants provided by DBCA Mundaring District Operations Officer, Rebecca Hamilton, and holes pre-drilled by members of the BTF Support Volunteers, we quickly completed the planting in still, clear weather.

Judging by the laughter and mud-daubed faces, the girls enjoyed the activity. They concluded their outing with a sausage sizzle over a Trangia before walking back out to the cars at the Perth Hills Discovery Centre. In addition to the planting, the excursion was an opportunity to introduce the girls to trail marking, a boot cleaning station (for limiting spread of Phytophthera), local plant identification and the “totally gross” but very indicative emu scat containing zamia seeds.

Walkers travelling through Ball Creek campsite in coming weeks are requested to take care moving around the vicinity of the shelter, to avoid trampling the new plants. In most cases, fallen branches have been placed to mark and protect areas containing new plants.

Thanks to Rebecca Hamilton for the coordination and the plants, the SVs who produced the holes, and former sectional volunteer Joy McGilvray who happily joined the group and provided her botanical knowledge.