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Just a reminder of what’s out there waiting for you.

The days have seemed dark and full of constant changes, updates and new restrictions and we all need a light to look for at the end of this tunnel. If getting back on Track for an overnighter, multi-day, town-to-town or end-to-end adventure is your light, then we are here to help you…



There has been one great calling by all and that is to help, support and connect creating a sense of community in this time of social distancing. It has never been more important, which is why we are making it our goal to keep you connected to the Track and each other.

So, whilst most people are not thinking about traveling right now it is fair to say that most hikers and runners are itching to get on the Track. Looking for ways to get outdoors whilst social distancing, finding ways to distract from the boredom of self-isolation, the pain of missing a comforting hug from a loved one or feelings of financial insecurity.

There’re a lot of things we can’t change right now but we hope to give you opportunities to focus on the things we can…

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation can keep you connected.

There is much about our way of life that will be different for the time being, but we don’t have to push through it alone. We want to bring you ways to connect with us and each other.

Here are several ways you can connect:

  • We’d love you to #takeahike / #takearun and join our Get on Track Challenge, a virtual end-to-end on the Bibbulmun Track. As we travel along the Track we will be asking you which section/campsite you are dreaming of going to first after all this is over and we will run posts on social for everyone’s best tips, photos, thoughts on that section or campsite.
  • Set up your tent and #backyardcampout and share with us on our social page’s photos of your #bibbulmundreaming.
  • Submit your best Track recipe and photo here for your chance to feature in the Bibbulmun Track Foundations recipe book.
  • Each week we will be sharing tips on maintaining your hiking equipment via our website, Facebook and Instagram pages.

We hope to help you escape the challenges of a world turned upside down by inspiring your Track hike/run aspirations and dreams.

Let us help you overindulge in the joy of #bibbulmundreaming and planning your hike – so you can spring into action and get on the Track when we are free of this crisis.

Embrace the fact that you now have more time than ever to indulge in the joy of planning your ultimate Track experiences with our trip planning pages, website tools and itineraries. Through our informative website and support with your planning you will have the opportunity to build your best itinerary and it will be a lifeline connecting you to the better days that will come. It will also help our Track communities get back on their feet as soon as possible.

The Bibbulmun Track will still be there when all of this is over, and your hike/run will taste all the sweeter for having had to wait.