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Difference between campsite fire bans, seasonal fire bans, and a total fire ban.

There’s something very special about a campfire, and for many people the camping experience is not complete without sitting around the crackling flames in the evening. It is an experience that you can enjoy in many campsites.

But with fire comes risk and responsibility. In places that are as hot, dry, and distant from emergency services such as Western Australia’s parks are, for at least some part of the year the risk of fire is often very high.

In some campsites, fires are not permitted at any time; at others, open campfires are permitted within seasonal restrictions and in provided fire pits only. There is a period during which campfires are not permitted at any time of day or night. Very generally, this period is from December 1 to March 31 inclusive, but it often varies from place to place and from year to year. Where these bans are in place you are still able to use your camp stove (gas or fuel). Information related to these bans is available under the Trip Planner / Section by Section part of our website.

Permanent campfire bans are in place in certain campsites (Yourdamung, Blackwood and all campsites south/east and including Mt Chance campsite). This is to preserve fragile and important surrounding vegetation and only a fuel stove is permissible.

A Total Fire Ban (TFB) is declared on days when fires are most likely to threaten lives and property. This is because of predicted extreme fire weather or when there are already widespread fires and firefighting resources are stretched. NO fires whatsoever are to be lit during these bans. This includes your fuel stove. On a Total Fire Ban day, it is illegal to light an open-air fire or conduct any activity that could start a fire.

Occasionally TFBs may be declared outside of a fire season (such as in May or June) due to other factors such as higher temperatures and expected strong winds preceding a storm front.

Campfire restrictions can be imposed with immediate effect and without notice at any time or place. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to have a campfire. You must always comply with any instructions at shelters, campgrounds and parks.