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Maintenance work at Mt Cooke

BTF volunteers were busy recently at both campsites near Mt Cooke.

A large group of maintenance volunteers (with Track sections in Perth Hills District) gathered at the Mt Cooke campsite for their annual Field Day.

A hive of activity
A hive of activity

There were plenty of tasks to keep them busy for the morning – from sanding and varnishing the bunk boards, fixing the gutter and pipe system, reoiling the cladding and replacing the broken whirlybird on the toilet; to removing the obsolete boot cleaning station, repairing the picnic table and fireside benches, and installing new signage.

Susan and Nola oil the toilet cladding
Susan and Nola oil the toilet cladding
Repairs to the ventilation
Repairs to the ventilation
Paul and Paul install a new noticeboard
Paul and Paul install a new noticeboard

Alan and Rob replace table boards
Alan and Rob replace table boards
Jennifer and Sandra clean the tank
Jennifer and Sandra clean the tank

Gutter guard is replaced
Gutter guard is replaced
Improved seating around the fireplace
Improved seating around the fireplace

Meanwhile, a group of Support Volunteers spent two days making some improvements at the Mt Cooke Group campsite. These included filling a gap in the southern gable end with clear sheeting, installing new gutter guard, constructing new box steps towards the lower level and some new benches around the fire ring, and upgrading the water collection system.

Sandra putting some finishing touches to the new steps
Sandra putting some finishing touches to the new steps

We applaud the hard work and dedication of all our volunteers!