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Partnering with the Children’s University Australasia

We’re excited to be partnering with the Children’s University Australasia to bring Children’s University to our world-famous Bibbulmun Track!

The Children’s University program opens a world of learning possibilities to young minds — by fostering wellbeing and encouraging children to discover new passions, visit new places and, above all, have fun!

This is achieved by providing local Learning Destinations such as the Bibbulmun Track, as well as public libraries, zoos, parks, museums, art galleries, and other organisations.

All Children’s University learning experiences are designed to have links to university courses and take place outside of the classroom e.g. during lunchtime, after school, weekends and holidays. Through a Passport to Learning, children participate in activities of their choice and are recognised for hours of participation through formal certificates at an on-campus graduation ceremony.

Children’s University members can earn up to 3 hours in their Passport to Learning for walking the Bibbulmun Track and answering questions. They can earn up to 10 hours in total per year!

Students need to walk part of a Track section as a day trip, or do a whole section as a holiday adventure. Using the Family-friendly itineraries provided by the BTF makes planning the walk easy.

Children’s University in Western Australia is delivered by Edith Cowan University and The University of Western Australia through the Children’s University Western Australia Partnership (CU WAP). To learn more about the program and opportunities to be involved, you can contact members of the CU WAP team at childrensuniversity@ecu.edu.au or childrensuniversity@uwa.edu.au.