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Spring maintenance activity

With the onset of spring, activity of our Track maintenance volunteers continues apace.











Sectional maintenance volunteers will be out visiting their sections – perhaps checking for any fallen timber after the winter storms, tackling some early spring regrowth, or tidying their campsite.








We have seen with pleasure the progress of the shelter upgrades. Gringer Creek, White Horse Hills, Yourdamung, Boarding House and Yabberup are now done (with the toilet replacement and some minor issues still outstanding). The work was completed by contractors engaged by DBCA. Harris Dam, Gregory Brook and Grimwade are the last on the list, with contracts yet to be awarded.












BTF volunteers are involved in several current projects – some large, some small. These include the approval process for multiple realignments, a new group campsite near Monadnocks, refurbishment of all timber components of the suspension footbridge at One Tree Bridge, redoing the Track marking in the area Lights Beach – Mount Hallowell, and consideration of a viable authorised route on the tip of the Nullaki Peninsula (see www.bibbulmuntrack.org.au/news/latest/wilson-inlet-sandbar-crossing for recent detail).