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Training & Recognition


The Foundation aims to provide all volunteers with appropriate training and support to ensure that they are well prepared to carry out their duties confidently, effectively and efficiently and safely.

Volunteers are expected to engage with core training relevant to their role, and are encouraged to take the opportunities offered for additional training.

Training is designed to be as accessible, useful and enjoyable as possible.

Examples of training and support offered:

Maintenance volunteers receive training during Field Days.

  • Maintenance volunteers receive introductory material including a maintenance handbook, as well as practical training in the field, and online information via our eNews ‘Maintenance Matters’. Training is included in our maintenance Field Days (at least one, per Parks and Wildlife Service district, per year).

  • New office volunteers are given thorough initial training and are supported at a comfortable pace to find their feet with the myriad office tasks.
  • Volunteer guides receive extensive, practical manuals and checklists as well as a carefully staged sequence of on-Track training.
  • Knowledge and expertise is willingly shared by all BTF staff and more experienced volunteers.
  • All registered volunteers are covered by insurance held by the Parks and Wildlife Service.

Volunteer recognition

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation and the Parks and Wildlife Service sincerely recognise, acknowledge and reward the contribution made by volunteers.

Recognition by the Foundation

Personal recognition is incorporated into ‘thank you’ events each November, which all volunteers are invited to attend.

Volunteers may be rewarded according to the time contributed during the financial year. To be eligible for rewards volunteers must be registered and regularly submit the time spent volunteering, via the Foundation’s website.

Rewards items vary from year to year. They are distributed according to the following categories:

  • 100 – 299 hours.
  • 300 – 499 hours.
  • >500 hours.

It is recognised that many volunteers make a substantial contribution of their time and effort without reaching the minimum threshold for rewards, due to the circumstances of their role.

Volunteers are invited to attend various ‘thank you!’ events.

Our appreciation of these volunteers is equally sincere.

Long Service Awards recognise the ongoing contribution of volunteers who’ve been with the Foundation for a significant continuous length of time. The milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years are currently recognised.

Volunteer recognition also occurs during National Volunteer Week (mid-May, annually) and at other times as appropriate.



Recognition by the Parks and Wildlife Service

The PaWS also rewards volunteers according to the time contributed during the financial year. To be eligible for rewards volunteers must be registered and regularly submit the time spent volunteering, via the Foundation’s website. All rewards are distributed annually, after the auditing process has been completed.

  • 20 hours – 20 % discount voucher for PaWS outlets.
  • 50 hours – PaWS Volunteer pass*.
  • 150 hours – Limited edition WA native species lapel badge (+ 50 hours reward).
  • 300 hours – $30 PaWS voucher (+150 hours reward).
  • 500 hours –  Landscope subscription (+300 hours reward).

*The PaWS Volunteer Pass provides free entry into any WA National Park for 12 months. Presentation of the pass also authorizes a 20% discount on selected PaWS merchandise.

The PaWS also provides an opportunity for recognition of special volunteers at their annual Volunteer of the Year awards.