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Celebrating our volunteers

As work starts to wrap up for 2021, we give a huge shout out and thanks to all of our 460 volunteers who made a contribution this year.

With only 4.5 FTE staff, our volunteers literally do a lot of the leg work! They’re out on the Track checking and repairing their sections … providing essential reception and admin support in the office … leading our walks and events … helping promote the Track … providing governance via the board … and transferring Track user data from the logbooks to digital format.

With their help, we fulfil our part of the partnership with DBCA – to provide baseline and strategic Track maintenance support, vigorously promote and market the Track as an asset to the state, and provide a focus for walkers seeking information and guidance.

Over the last few weeks, the volunteers were thanked and recognized at a series of events. Most volunteers work apart from HQ, so coming together and connecting at these events is always great!

Some volunteers were recognized for particular levels of contribution during the financial year just past. A total of 19 volunteers contributed over 500 hours, 19 volunteers over 300 hours and 52 volunteers over 100 hours during 2020-21. Many more made a consistent contribution but didn’t meet these thresholds (e.g. because they didn’t have the same travel requirements to their maintenance section).

The loyalty of long serving volunteers was also recognized: 26 volunteers marking their 5 year anniversary, 7 volunteers 10 years, 8 volunteers 15 years and 3 who have been participating consistently for 20 years.

The following providers are acknowledged for their contribution to this volunteer recognition:

BTF staff and office volunteers
Lake Monger Recreation Club
Peaceful Bay Progress Association
Prontos Gourmet Catering
Big Apple Bakery, Donnybrook
TownsEnd Café and Catering, Albany
Michael and Susan Grimm, Albany
Paul Harris, Peaceful Bay
Sea to Summit
Zanthorrea Nursery, Maida Vale
Barrecas Winery, Donnybrook
Rusty Roo Design, Walliston
Jim Freeman
Action Trophies, Mandurah