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South Coast Field Days

The annual Field Day for sectional volunteers in Frankland and Albany Districts were held on the last weekend in May – at Mount Chance and Sandpatch campsites.

There are four goals to a Field Day – for all the volunteers to connect with each other and the BTF office team; to have a busy bee at a shelter or bit of the Track, which gives it a real facelift; as an opportunity to provide volunteers with training in Track maintenance; and (mostly importantly) to have fun!

At Sandpatch on Saturday we were treated to a demonstration of the powered tools recently acquired for use in Albany District; tasks around the campsite were completed; and a new maintenance team from the Albany Bushwalking Club were thoroughly introduced to “their” section.

Volunteers also received their very own BTF Volunteer hi-viz vest, to help identify them when they’re out on the Track – a new initiative which we’re only just rolling out. It was a sea of orange!

Thanks to Wes Fokkema and Charlie Soord for coordinating the work and equipment for the day.

Demonstration of battery-powered hedge trimmer
Demonstration of battery-powered hedge trimmer

Constructing a ramp to the edge of the shelter floor
Constructing a ramp to the edge of the shelter floor

The new Code of the Campsite was installed
The new Code of the Campsite was installed

New volunteers receiving instruction in looking after the tank system
New volunteers receiving instruction in looking after the tank system

On to Mount Chance on Sunday; the weather cleared up for our enthusiastic group of Frankland District volunteers. As usual, the shelter and campsite was left looking tidy and fresh after we’d renewed the finish on the cladding, bed platform and picnic table; painted the drain pipes; fixed up some signage; raked all the leaf litter; and put out some filling material provided by DBCA for soggy tent sites.

Thanks to Alex Williams and Charlie Soord for logistics and planning for this day.

Lunch break!
Lunch break!

Painted board is reinstalled
Painted board is reinstalled

New signage on the spur
New signage on the spur

Volunteers at Mount Chance
Volunteers at Mount Chance