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Affiliated Organisations

We sincerely thank all those who are an affiliated member of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation. Your support is an important part of assisting us to ensure that the Track remains a long distance trail of international significance and quality.

Relaxing near Peaceful Bay.

Relaxing near Peaceful Bay.


All Saints College

Australia’s South West

Bunbury Bushwalking Club

Carey Baptist College

Christ Church Grammar School

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries

First Hike Project

Friends of the Cape to Cape Track


Kolbe Catholic College

Munda Biddi Trail Foundation

National Trust of Australia (WA)

Outward Bound

Perth Bushwalkers Club (Inc)

Perth Trail Series

Presbyterian Ladies College

Scotch College

Shire of Manjimup

St Mark’s Anglican Community School

The Boys Brigade WA

Vermillion Skies Holiday Accommodation

Western Walking Club (Inc)


Affiliated Organisation Membership

If you use the Bibbulmun Track with your organisation, then an Affiliated Organisation membership is a great way to give back to the Track.

To find out more about the Affiliated Organisation membership and the benefits, please view the program information here.

If you would like to become an Affiliated Organisation member, please fill out and submit an online form here.

If you would like to find out more about the Affiliated Organisation membership please email us.