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25th Anniversary Track Town Celebrations

As the end-to-end walkers arrived in each town they were greeted with a warm reception, local entertainment and delicious food.  These events provided a chance for the BTF to thank each community for their input into building the Track – and for their ongoing support of walkers through the provision of accommodation and services.

The participation of school kids and other locals in the parades and events added a special touch to our Anniversary with each town bringing their own unique flavour to the occasion.

The music varied from acoustic guitar to a Ukele Choir, the food from sausage sizzles to home-made soups and gourmet platters, the venues from sporting clubs to the Albany Town Hall.

Highlights were many and varied and we extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who played a part in this incredible journey!

Click on the links below to see some of the highlights and special moments posted on our Facebook page.  

Kalamunda Community Celebration – The Send-Off

Dwellingup Community Celebration

Collie Community Celebration

Balingup Community Celebration

Donnelly River Village – Halfway party

Pemberton community Celebration

Northcliffe Community Celebration

Walpole Community Celebration

Denmark Community Celebration

Albany community celebration – The Finale

Thank you to all our Track Town communities for being a part of our 25th Anniversary celebrations – the Bibbulmun Track journey is all the more special for the unique and wonderful towns along the way.