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2022 AGM and Elections

We were pleased to welcome 40 members to the Foundation’s 25th AGM which was held on 27 October at the Universal Bar in Northbridge.

In addition to providing an opportunity to update members on our activities for the year (you can read the Annual Report here), an election was held to fill the four vacant positions.

Nominations were received from Kath Broderick, Tristy Fairfield, Charlie Soord, Tim Larkin, Tim Macknay and Helen Studham and a vote was held by secret ballot.

Three positions were filled by returning Board members: Kath, Charlie and Tristy, and we were pleased to welcome newly elected member Tim Larkin.

Chair, Kath Broderick thanked retiring member, Patrick Tremlett, for his 17 years of service on the Board. As a retired drafter of legislation, Patrick contributed greatly to policy and governance matters and his wisdom and pragmatic approach will be missed.

Fortunately, we are not losing him altogether and Patrick is continuing to volunteer with the Foundation as a Guide and maintenance volunteer.  Thank you Patrick for your continued support of the Bibbulmun Track.