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2017 Tales from other Trails Annual Members’ Night

With a new venue and deciding to open up the event to all our followers not just members, we had a great turn out.

It was a very moving presentation on a unique journey walked by Sarah Hyde – following the Rabbit Proof Fence Walk. Sarah is a very eloquent speaker whos passion, consideration and respect of those whos’ footsteps she followed flowed through her entire presentation. Fresh from her journey her account was passionate and full of lots of details and with the beautiful photos she shared it was hard not to be caught up in her spiritual account.

It was great to have two of our sponsors, Mountain Design and Sea to Summit, at this presentation. Lots of people had lie down on the Sea to Summit sleeping mat and sampling the delicious Back Country Cuisine range. As always the door prizes and lucky answers prize give away were fun.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Annual Tales from other Trails night!